The Last Night

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<Daryl Dixon>

Daryl just knew he wasn't going to like what he found when he walked toward the farm. They had barely picked up on Jim's warning about the herd. Then Amy and Edwin's voices broke up while he rushed the boy back to camp. He had no idea what happened but there had been no radio chatter after Edwin confirmed he was back in range, just the occasional call for his brother and Mitch.

"We found the hooker." His brother's voice was broken by static. "She's ramblin'....Shane...fuck?"

The convoy had been moved closer to the farm house, making him wonder if the other group decided that they were coming. Duke immediately picked up the pace, excited to see his family while Daryl kept his eyes open for a certain blonde. He had not wanted to hunt down the supposedly 'lost' captives but on the off chance Shane was actually telling the truth, he couldn't allow those two to live.

"Fuck the junkie." Amy's voice rang in loud and clear, making his heart jump. "Just get back here ASAP. We are leaving as soon as we get our people out. Have you seen Hector or Mitch? They won't respond."

"The fuck...Blondie!" His brother bellowed. "Where'"

"Tell you about it when you get back. Keep the line quiet, we've got a herd by the farm."

The peaceful evening was broken by a gunshot. A gunshot close to the farm and before he knew what was happening, Amy was flying out of her RV with a furious scowl. Their eyes met briefly and hers softened in relief but with little more than a nod, she continued on to the house. Andrea rushed after her with a determined expression, so Daryl decided he might as well follow when he saw Duke hug his mother.

"Oh God." Jim cried out in terror. "They all turned, I could see all of them coming this way!"

"Get back to camp, Jim."

"Just like your daughter told you." Amy was explaining to the farmer in a stern tone, pointedly facing away from everyone else in the room. "That gunshot pointed that herd directly to your home."

"Young lady, I'm not sure what game you are trying to play but this is my farm." Herschel looked down his nose at the blonde. "I'll die here."

"So, I'm only going to ask this once." Amy's tone turned sharper, making the older man back up a step. "Please, come with us. Don't try and commit suicide over a peace of land."


"Cool." She sucked her teeth before turning to Maggie with a sarcastic grin. "Congratulations, Maggie. I'm very sorry to inform you that your father cares more for this house than his daughters. Because you are next of kin, you now get custody of your sister."

"Now, w-"

"Nope." Amy held her hand up to the man, shocking him into silence. "I do not have time for reasoning with a stubborn old man. Maggie, can I please put Beth and Jimmy into a vehicle with all the children, now?"

"Now?" Maggie took a step back in shock, looking away from her father pointedly.

"Can someone please go and find Rick?" Lori asked but Andrea turned to her with a glare so fierce, Daryl wondered what he had missed.

"Sorry, saving innocent people right now." Amy didn't look away from her stare off with the older farm girl. Carol had started to sob, inching closer to where he stood by the door. "They will be in the SWAT van with Jamie and Billy and one of the first to be off the farm."

"Why are you splitting up your kids?" Maggie hesitated, looking confused.

"Michonne has Braden, Andre, and Emma in my RV because it has seat belts for car seats. Duke and Daisy are driving the most well armored vehicle. So, can I bring them out now?"

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