No Time for Regrets

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They arrived back at camp to an odd sight. Michonne had all the children beside Carl and Sofia grouped up like she was leading a class. Daisy held Andre and Braden in her lap, clapping along. They all had broom sticks in their hands and were slowly going through movements, following along with Michonne in front of them. Even little Emma was trying to mimic her stances with her little half broomstick.

"What're they doin'?" Daryl asked after he parked, leaning on the van beside her.

"I am one with the sword. The sword is one with me." Amy couldn't believe her friend said that with a straight face, and had all the kids repeating the words back loudly in unison.

Then she shifted her stance, thrusting her broomstick forward with a fierce glare and a grunt. It was the most adorable thing Amy had ever seen when the children tried to copy her. Louis tripped over his own feet and Emma jabbed Hector who was standing too close.

"Get back up. Always get back up." Billy helped Louis up with a bright smile.

"Sorry, Tio!" Emma shouted before trying again with a little squeak. "Tanty says This is the weapon of the samurai. Not a clum-er clumsy as a gun and- I don't remember the rest but-"

"It's an elegant weapon for a more civilized apocalypse!" Jamie grinned smugly, cutting off Emma.

"Is that damn woman quotin' Star Wars?" Daryl guffawed, throwing a casual arm over Amy's shaking shoulders. Miranda was taking pictures, not caring in the least how Eliza stuck her nose in the air.

"A great warrior. Wars not make one great." Michonne struck a dramatic pose, when she leaned back heavily with one leg stretch to the side. She waited patiently while the kids copied her and butchered Yoda's words.

Amy lost it, burying her face in Daryl's chest and holding her stomach in an attempt to stifle her laughter. Daryl felt no need, keeping his arm around her while he laughed with Hector who moved out of the way from kids with weapons.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing." Michonne deadpanned, her face was blank but her eyes were bright.

"Did we find a video camera?" Amy giggled, her hands covering her red face. "Please this is what home movies are made for!"

"Okay, my samurai!" Michonne stepped forward. "Show your parents what you learned today."

They definitely weren't in sync, moving through easy positions with their broom sticks. Amy had to make sure Miranda got plenty of her kids too because they were going on the fridge. While they were doing that, Daisy handed over a very fussy and drooling Braden. They baby seemed more focused on his mother than what his siblings were doing but still clapped along after ten minutes of the kids free styling it with their broom sticks. Eliza lost interest first, going to her father to watch.

"Mommy!" Andre yelled out, clapping loudly. Michonne rushed forward with tears in her eyes. It was the first real word he had said in months. Amy hugged her friend and son, with Braden grabbing on to Andre yelling.

"Oh, my precious little boy." Michonne whispered against his hair, kissing him while he went back to babbling with his friend. It was a start. Then she lifted her head to look at Amy with wide eyes. "Girl!"

"Are those solar showers still set up?" Amy backed away quickly with a blush. "I think the kids worked up at sweat."

"Yeah..." Michonne just smiled widely, looking between the blonde and Daryl with a knowing grin.

"Mom!" Billy was the first to run over to her with Emma following close behind. Jamie was more sedate in her pace but she looked eager to speak to Amy. "Did you see? I'm totally a samurai! Do you think I can get a sword like Tanty? That would be so cool!"

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