Misdirected Anger

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It turns out that Rick Grimes wasn't just going back to Atlanta for the man he left for dead but a bag of guns he dropped. It didn't matter to him that they had a mobile armory in the humvee, the former sheriff was adamant that they go back to the city. It was a much harder sell when there wasn't a man dying due to their mistakes. T-Dog easily volunteered, not wanting to be in camp when Merle finally woke up. Glenn and Daryl had to be bribed with first picks out of the gun bag.

Shane stalked around camp, looking for confrontation until he found Carl. It was actually a pretty sweet sight, them just playing in the water. The other women were splashing around with the kids while Carol pedaled the homemade washing machine. The only one not enjoying the weather was Ed who watched his wife with sharp eyes, like he was her supervisor. Amy and Michonne were a little further away with the kids, letting them swim and bathe so they didn't realize what happened until Shane was beating the absolute shit out of Ed.

"That is a whole lot of misdirected anger." Michonne commented, watching Carol cry over her husband apathetically.

"Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy." Amy shrugged, shocking her sister who came over to them after confronting Ed.

"Shane went too far."

"Who cares?" Her little sister snorted, wrapping a towel around a very naked, giggly baby.

"Everyone knew what was happening in their tent but you can only stomach it for so long. I know Lori and Jaqui talked to her about moving away from him." Michonne nodded sagely, tossing the diaper bag to Amy. "They promised that Shane wouldn't let Ed touch her or her daughter, or they could even kick him out of camp but Carol begged them to leave him alone."

"I've never been in an abusive relationship before so I can't say what I would do but.."Amy sighed, finished dressing Braden before handing clothes to Emma and Billy. Jamie wanted to wait until she was in the RV to change. "I just think that if any man in camp laid a hand on any of these kids..."

"Well, he wasn't hitting Sofia, was he?" Andrea asked, a little horrified at the thought.

"I've seen the bruises." Michonne disagreed, her mouth pursed in anger at the thought of Ed. "Not to mention her development is behind, look at Jamie. They are the same age."

"You don't think?" Amy asked, never really thinking too heavily on Sofia and her abuse. Her stomach curdled at the idea of Ed abusing his daughter.

"Sofia's weird." Jamie nodded her head, wrapping her hair up in one of the towels. "She acts like a baby and still plays with dolls."

"Some kids develop faster than others." Amy protested, pulling Billy into her lap so she could rub his hair with a dry towel.

"At least she isn't like Eliza." Billy's face soured and he ducked down to try and avoid Amy's hands. "She wanted to play house and with Carl, Louis, and Emma being the babies. Then she got all mad when we left to climb trees!"

"Well, you gave them a chance, that's more than can be said for Amy." Andrea huffed at her sister's offended face. Once the kids were dressed and dried, they made their way back to the RV.

"What do you say about using Merle for some first aid practice?" Michonne asked them with an impish smile. All the kids found this to be the best idea because they rushed back to the buses leaving the small children in the dust.

"Hey, Dale said I could use his boat." Andrea proposed, glancing at Michonne before turning back to her sister. "What do you think about spending the afternoon fishing?"

"I don't want to leave all the kids with Michonne, that seems unfair." Amy hedged, looking at her friend with a frown.

"It's fine." Michonne waved her away with a grin. "It's almost time for someone's N-A-P. Have fun with your sister."

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