The Real Housewives of the Apocalypse

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Herschel's farm was beautiful, with its pristine house and large open fields. However, Amy looked around like it was a death trap. There were few fences to keep the cattle in with not enough hands to keep them maintained on such a large property. Rick immediately gathered everyone to tell them his son would live thanks to Shane. Bald Shane. Bald Shane in baggy overalls.

"They didn't wait." Edwin filled her in as soon as the group broke apart to start setting up camp.

Apparently, Shane and Otis had already left by the time the med bus arrived, leaving the doctor confused as to why they came. As soon as they got there, Herschel began the surgery since Edwin had everything they needed for the operation in the bus. Rick, Lori, and Shane didn't think they had much in the way of medical supplies even though Miranda stripped the CDC infirmary with just a headlight and determination.

It just made the farmer more suspicious of them when he stepped inside the med bus with Doctor Jenner to check on T-Dog and Merle. Even though Michonne used it as an RV, its purpose was to be a mobile clinic with some smaller machines that had been stuffed under the bus. Hector had helped Edwin move filing cabinets in for their medication and even had a fridge for insulin and other temperature controlled substances. Not that any of the group had diabetes but Amy had said if they needed to trade, medicine would always be an easy sell.

"The farmer is acting sketchy." Jim whispered, keeping his eyes on the group working to set up camp among some trees close to a water pump. Michonne was with the small children while Miranda had the older four moving the light camping gear from the trucks.

"How long has this girl been missing?" Herschel asked Rick with polite interest after the funeral that most of the group attended. Michonne and Miranda planned to bring the kids in the afternoon to offer his widow their condolences with cards and thank Hershel for letting them stay.

Merle was having a bad day, his moods ranging from suicidal to homicidal at the blink of an eye so he was confined to the med bus with Edwin. Jim finally moved out into a tent along with a surprisingly spry T-Dog, neither of them would be joining the search but they could stand guard as long as they stayed hydrated. Lori and Rick accepted the farmer's offer to allow Carl to stay in the house while he recovered. By the pursed set of his lips, he definitely regretted the offer when the rest of the group showed up.

"This'll be the third day." Daryl shrugged, his eyes pausing on Amy before she looked away. Still upset about the night before, even if it was mostly at her sister he was there.

"Well, you won't be going, you gave three units of blood. Five minutes in this heat and you'll pass out." Herschel told them sagely before pinning Shane with a look. "And you're not going anywhere on that ankle. If you push it, you'll be laid out for a month. No good to anyone."

"Looks like it's just me." Daryl grumbled, not exactly put out about not having a group slowing him down.

"Nah, we can come." Hector spoke up, Amy stepping up beside him with her pack ready.

"It's my turn, Michonne went yesterday. She and Miranda will keep an eye on the kids and set everything up."

"They can come visit Carl, I'm sure he would like a visit from his friends." Rick smiled warmly at the thought while Amy and Hector shared a look.

Miranda was high strung and she couldn't fall back on pretending not to understand English anymore. Before, when Lori offended the woman she could just fire back in another language. Now, she would be cursing a tired woman with an injured child.

"Fine on ma own." Daryl grunted, his gaze fixed on the trees longingly. "Don' need anybody slowin' me down."

"I think we'll be fine." Amy huffed snootily, shocking some of those crowded around them because she sounded like her sister.

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