This Could be a Graveyard

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Of course not, why would they do the logical thing, like keep their children away from the dead bodies? Amy left Jamie in charge of all the children except for Carl and Sofia since they were ordered to stay beside their mothers. Rick sent an apologetic glance in the other women's direction but it was balefully ignored. Louis joined Jamie and Billy, whining that they could all help search the cars. Emma wanted to stay with Amy but was easily bribed with crackers while the babies were distracted by light up toys.

Dale's RV broke down before Daryl could even get his bike off the trailer to scout ahead and most of the adults immediately got ready to try their hand at looting. Amy and Miranda were keeping an eye on Billy and Louis who were walking Max around. The dog was doing pretty well, just sniffing the ground and growling when they got near the cars. Daryl was nearby watching the dog closely, tilting his head in thought.

"I don't know how I feel about this." Lori spoke up loudly, keeping a hand on Carl's shoulder. "This place is a graveyard."

There was a moment of silence before a few people scoffed and continued on through the cars. Rick glanced around finding most of the group was working without instruction. Jim was helping Glenn find a replacement hose. T-Dog and Daryl worked down the lanes siphoning vehicles but never out of sight of each other. Michonne was showing Jaqi how to open a car window without breaking it. Dale and Hector were standing on RVs keeping watch. Jenner kept watch over his patient. Lori and Carol were searching open cars with the children a row over.

"Hey!" Rick stepped towards Amy and Miranda who were leading their boys back to the RV with the dog. "Maybe we should let the older ones out. Get some air and experience."

Miranda looked to Amy which didn't surprise the former cop anymore. "No, we all agreed that we should keep the children inside until we knew it was safe."

"They can't always be safe." Miranda placed a comforting hand on the younger woman's arm. "This will be good practice for them with everyone here to make sure nothing happens."

"Fine, bring Max back to the RV and let Jamie know that she's in charge." With that she knelt down in front of Louis and Billy with a very serious expression on her face. "I'm going to let you help but remember the buddy system. You are never more than two feet away from each other. If you find a walker, I'll be close by but Billy has his slingshot and knife."

"I promise I won't play with it." Billy said very solemnly for a nine year old boy, making her sad. "We won't let you down."

"I know you won't." She kissed his head before pulling a tactical knife from her cargo pocket and clipped it onto Louis' jeans, ruffling his hair. "Watch out for each other, okay?"

The boys ran off excitedly, taking one of the smaller bags from Michonne before rushing to the first car they could find. It was good that they learned, especially with adults around to help. However, Amy remembers this highway and the little girl that got lost. She had suggested strongly that children remain vehicle bound but she didn't make decisions for other parents. Hopefully, she had taught Billy well and he wouldn't run off the woods.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" Shane whispered urgently, pulling her away from where the blonde had been watching the children like a hawk. Not even pretending to sort through vehicles.

"No, I was quite clear." Amy took a step away, trying to keep the children in sight when he roughly grabbed her arm.

"Listen, you have to understand."

"No, I get it perfectly." She hissed, glancing around nervously, no longer able to see the group.

"What happened between me and Lori." The man insisted despite all of her objections to this conversation. The man pulled a gun on her and Braden, she never wanted to speak to him again.

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