Chapter 158 - An Artists Redemption

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Another two hours later, Mr Smiley's Quirk finally wears off, leaving the heroes dishevelled and discomforted. Midoriya is discussing the robot's broken state with Hatsume and Power Loader, no doubt asking why it didn't work to take down the vandal. All Kira knows is that they probably can't rely on anything electrical to help. Both Bakugou and Burnin' share the same revenge driven anger, promising to permanently wound Mr Smiley in one way or the other.

The humiliation from their last failed attempt has turned into anger instead this time, each one of them annoyed at themselves for allowing this simplistic artist slip through their fingers.

"Since robots are off the table," Midoriya starts, after having waved Hatsume and Power Loader off. "What can we do next?"

"I hate to think about it, but what about Mr Aizawa?" Kira wonders. "I know he's probably busy with Eri and Lucas, but I don't really see another option."

"We shouldn't bother him with such a low level vandal," Todoroki argues. "We can stop him without Mr Aizawa."

Suddenly, Endeavour approaches Bakugou, ignoring the student's lost ideas. "Could you follow my directions with your eyes covered?"

"Of course I can!" Bakugou retorts, frowning at the pro hero.

Endeavour scoffs at his boldness. "Prove it."

The number one hero starts to lead Bakugou away, but he flashes Kira a quick look, unreadable but it's there. She's had an idea of her own whirling around in her mind, but she doesn't want to have to use this power if she doesn't have to. But, twice now, Mr Smiley has been able to slip away - she really doesn't want to feel the effects of this untrained ability again.

Midoriya and Todoroki continue to discuss a next plan of attack, but Kira isn't paying any attention, as she rushes after Endeavour and Bakugou. "Wait!" She calls to them. "Whatever you're planning to do next," she adds, as Endeavour stops walking to address her. "I can help."

"Help how?" His deep tone replies, judgemental and annoyed.

Kira hesitates, unsure how to speak to someone as resilient and stubborn as Endeavour. That's not true - her eyes fall to Bakugou, as he watches her curiously. "What if something happens to you, sir?"

"It won't," Endeavour says curtly.

"It might," she insists. "It already has. You're not going to be the blindfolded one so you can still be affected by Mr Smiley's Quirk. Let me be a part of this plan too."

Endeavour looks like he's about to argue some more, but what would be the point? What would be the downside of her taking part in this idea?

Kira shares the lift with her classmate and the number one hero, as it slowly ascends to the rooftop. Bakugou stands close beside her, his arms crossed once again, his elbow grazing her ever so slightly. Endeavour blocks her view of the lift doors, his towering frame taking up most of the space in the lift.

It dings ominously and they walk the rest of the way up to the roof, a cold breeze threatening to bowl Kira over. The wind whistles in her ears, blowing her hair off her face and rushing up her hero suit. She stifles a shiver as Endeavour hands Bakugou a white blindfold - she didn't even notice the pro hero pick one up.

Bakugou looks down at the blindfold in his hand, before his eyes slowly move away from the fabric and he turns his attention to Kira. "Why are you really here?" He pushes. "Are you planning something stupid?"

Kira blinks at his perception. He never misses a beat, especially when it comes to her.

"No, not stupid," she retorts, slightly alarmed with how well he knows her. "I'm merely a back up."

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