Chapter 67 - Telling The Truth For Once

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"Sir, I-" Kira starts, only to be halted by a firm hand.

"I've been lenient and understanding with you, given your recent encounter with the villain, Toga," Aizawa says bluntly. "But the time has come for impudent behaviour on my part, I'm afraid."

Kira didn't like the sound of that one bit. If after all this time, her usually strict teacher claims he's been showing his nicer side, then she knows she's about to feel his wrath.

"I've overlooked your claims about being the potential traitor," her teacher continues. "After all, I have other suspects in mind, one's with a greater reason to betray their companions." He pauses, gathering his thoughts it seems, before looking Kira in the eye. "The fact of the matter is, I've taken your past honesty under advisement, but for now, your deceptions have not gone unnoticed. Not only that, but your advancement in your training has been sorely lacking."

Akira blinks at her teacher, his brazen tone seeping into her core. It feels like she's been punched in the gut. She feels sick. Not only has Kira been doubting herself and her Quirk, but it also seems her teachers have been too, as it appears they've taken into account her unwillingly holding back against Bakugou when they fought in the gym.

"Mr Aizawa..." Kira begins but is lost for words against her teacher's spoken truths.

"You failed the provisional license exam, Kiriya," he tells her, even though she knows this aching fact already. "And that won't do here at UA."

Another punch to the gut. This one hurt more than the others, as though he just outed her to the world. Her hiding certain secrets won't go unnoticed in the eyes of underground heroes, it seems. But, his last line hurt the most, like it's suddenly put her failures into the bigger picture. Was she not taking this seriously? She felt like she was.

Kira feels light, her legs like jelly and flops backwards onto the top step of the dorms. Aizawa sighs heavily, like he usually does and crouches down in front of the girl, balancing on his toes.

"Kiriya," he says, a little softer, but with a hint of discontent. "Is there anything I should know?"

Aizawa waits patiently for an answer, unmoving as he balances on his toes, only the gentle breeze brushing his loose, black hair over his eyes. Kira hugs her stomach close to herself, her knees scooting up to her cheeks.

There's only so much she could tell Aizawa even if she wanted to. How much would he understand? Would he resent her for her mistakes? Would he expel her without a second glance? Would she get arrested for her pathetic crimes?

"I..." She starts, her voice cracking. Aizawa turns his head a fraction at her response. "I can't."

Aizawa nods slowly, almost sadly, before looking down at the bottom step. But he doesn't move more than that, as if offering her another chance to spill her guts.

A few more seconds pass, before Aizawa speaks again, his voice barely audible. "If you refuse to give me a straight answer... there's only so much I can do."

Kira snaps her head to her teacher. She knows full well what he's insinuating - expulsion.

She watches Aizawa stand up and head up the steps, his feet tapping on the cold concrete beside her. Her chance at becoming a hero is slipping away by the seconds, all because she's been stupid, she's made mistakes. She's keeping secrets.

Too many at this point; her fathers reappearance, her fatal mistake during Kamino ward, which in turn led to her failing the licensing exam, Bakugou's confession in the other reality, she's even keeping her relationship with Kirishima kept silent (or at least trying to).

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