Chapter 93 - On The Verge Of A Discovery

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"I'm gonna ask him."

Akira sat with her arms crossed over her chest on the sofa, Todoroki on one side and Bakugou on the other. She was surprised he had decided to stick around, but perhaps his curiosity had won him over.

"I don't think you should bother him," Todoroki suggests. "If he's keeping it to himself, then he must have a good reason."

"Even shitty hair's acting weird," Bakugou adds, his feet crossed over and resting on the table infront of them.

Kira watched her stubborn classmate, as he eyed Kirishima. A few days had passed since Bakugou punched her lights out and they hadn't even mentioned it at all. Just another subject to gloss over with Bakugou.

"Yeah," Kira murmurs. "Ochaco and Tsu have taken a vow of silence too."

"Midoriya was crying at lunch today," Todoroki points out. "The hero agency's that everyone's working at must be really hard if they're all acting like this."

"Are you stupid or something?" Bakugou comments, tucking his feet down and leaning forward to glare past Kira. "They're all obviously hiding something."

"But what?" Kira voices aloud. "This is why I'm gonna confront him."

It's true, Kira wanted to respect their privacy when it came to whatever was haunting them, but now a few days had passed and the four students were acting even worse, moping around the dormitory with their heads hung low. Whenever they entered a room, they changed the whole atmosphere. It was both annoying and unnerving. So, she had changed her mind and was dying to know what bothered them so much.

Todoroki sounds uncertain. "I still don't think it's a good idea."

"No one was asking for an opinion, Icy Hot," Bakugou remarks. "I need to know what's going on too. Kirishima's behaviour has been pissing me off."

While the three of them were discussing the topic on the sofa, the rest of Class 1A were lost in their own conversations around the rest of the living room. The fact that everyone else was ignoring them was strange enough.

"Is it just those four?" Kira wonders. "The one's who have been accepted to an agency?"

"Tokoyami is also at a hero agency with Hawks, but he's not acting like the others," Todoroki says.

The three of them simultaneously lean forwards in their seats to stare at their classmate as he nods slightly at something Sato has said. Dark Shadow also seems to have included itself in the conversation, nodding the same time as Tokoyami.

"Kinda hard to tell with him though," Kira mumbles. "Tokoyami's always kinda mopey."

"He's not like that stupid nerd." Bakugou shakes his head. "And the other idiots."

"Bakugou's right," Todoroki agrees. "The others seem... upset. Stressed too."

"Don't agree with me!" Bakugou retaliates.

Akira avoids the steadily rising argument by swinging herself up off the sofa. "I'm gonna ask him," she repeats for the billionth time.

"You had better tell me what he says," Bakugou orders. "I wanna know what that bastard's hiding from me."

Kira places her hands on her hips dramatically. "Well, why haven't you asked Kirishima if you wanna know that badly?"

Bakugou looks away then, focusing on a random conversation from a group of their classmates. "Shitty hair has enough on his hands already," he mumbles.

Akira notes on Bakugou's behaviour when it comes to Kirishima and searches around the room for Midoriya. He has some explaining to do.

"Ochaco!" Kira butts in on her conversation, rushing over with a raised hand. "You know where Midoriya is?"

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