Chapter 54 - Finding The Bad Guy

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Kira had another nightmare that night. She woke with a slight start, the image of Dabi and Toga slowly fading from memory.

"Finally." Bakugou's voice. "About time you woke up. I was about to leave your ass here."

Kira rubs her eyes, and then her neck, rolling out the cramp from sleeping at an awkward angle on the sofa. "You're here?"

"Course I am." Bakugou stands in front of the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. "Seems to me that the Light Bringer of this reality might have been after our guy."

"What? Really?"

Bakugou turns his body slightly, grunting his reply, before spinning to analyse the papers once more. Kira stands up slowly, her back aching from her sleeping position. She stretches and steps beside Bakugou, as he points to a certain news article hidden underneath. It has a huge red circle around the face of the villain, wearing a similar face covering to the one they encountered in the store.

"Does it say who he is?"

"No." Bakugou shakes his head slightly, peeling off the paper with a swift tug and handing it to her. "Read it yourself."

He shoves it to her so she has no choice but to take it. She sighs softly - he must be pretty mad about her persistence yesterday. If someone was prying into her life like that, she would be pissed off too. Perhaps she should apologise about her poking around, especially around such a sore subject. On the other hand, she is immensely proud of him for even opening up to her in the first place. Though, if she uttered a word about it to anyone, he might just kill her.

"Villain Strikes Again," she mutters, reading the title and then the text below. "Masked Villain Spotted Robbing Theater Royale, Police and Pro Heroes Unable to Capture Due to His Challenging Quirk." She looks up from the paper as Bakugou vanishes into the kitchen. She decides to follow. "So, unlike on our reality, this villain might actually be able to control his Quirk?"

"Uh huh," Bakugou grunts, opening one of the cupboards. "And now we know where to find him."

"The theater," she says, peering down at the article once more, in case she missed anything. "Just how exactly are we supposed to catch him if he's in there?"

Bakugou stops searching and faces her. "Isn't it obvious?" He scoffs. "I'm gonna break in there and force him to send me back. If he doesn't, I'll kill him."

"Sure," Kira responds sarcastically. "Then his cold, dead corpse can send us back."

Bakugou glares at her before opening a different cupboard.

"Besides, have you seen the state-of-the-art security around that place?" Kira adds. "Even you won't be able to break in there."

"Fine!" He snaps, slamming the cupboard shut. "Got any bright ideas then, you idiot?"

Kira pauses, staring down at the article of finely dressed citizens. "We might have to look the part," she explains, flipping over the paper and showing her classmate.

Bakugou narrows his eyes at the image of couples dressed in ridiculously formal clothing and shakes his head. "No way. I'm not wearing that crap."

Kira drops her hands by her side, her expression turning serious. "I don't think you have a choice if you wanna get back home."

Bakugou looks as though he's about to explode. "And I take it we have to go together?" He gestures moving his hand from his chest to hers lazily. "Dammit! It's not gonna work!"

"We do have to find a way to get our outfits," Kira mutters, her finger on her chin thoughtfully.

"We'll just take them."

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