Chapter 65 - Returning To UA

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Akira goes numb, a piercing ringing sound in her ears is the only sound she hears, drowning out the excited muffle of the students around her, hugging and jumping around as they spot their names on the huge board above them.

Her eyes scan over the screen again and again and again - perhaps they made a mistake.

Mina leaps into the arms of the other UA girls, ecstatic at spotting her name up there with the other successors. Momo looks relieved, placing a hand on her chest and closing her eyes slowly. Toru's spinning around on the spot, Tsu's staring at the screen with her finger on her chin and Kyoka bends over with her hands on her knees. Ochaco has a huge grin on her face.

Akira didn't make it.

She makes a sound like a scoff mixed with a laugh and blinks up at the screen as sound starts to swarm its way back to reality.

"I... I failed," she says aloud, attracting the attention of a few of her classmates.

"You what?" Kirishima replies, placing a hand on her shoulder from behind. "No, you didn't."

"Do you see my name up there?" She snaps.

She didn't mean to take her anger, frustration and embarrassment out on him.

Ochaco and Momo watch Kira with a concerned frown, but don't make any movement or insinuation of stepping in. They know exactly why she failed and so does she.

"Well, uh..." Kirishima trails off from behind Kira. "It seems like you're not the only one who didn't pass."

With a frown, Kira turns back to Kirishima as he stares over at Bakugou with deep worry and concern for his friend. Bakugou himself was extremely unhappy with his results, his face practically distorted with rage.

"Huh," Kira hums. "Honestly, I'm not surprised about that. What I am surprised about is Todoroki. He failed too."

"Are you sure?" Kirishima wonders, peering up at the screen.

Kira nods in affirmation, gazing past her classmates to the solemn Todoroki.

Kira sighs heavily, staring down at her feet and kicking a random pebble. "This sucks."

Kirishima keeps silent, but she feels his eyes on her.

"You should have been more careful about what you said!" Kaminari says loudly, ignoring Bakugou's aura of hostility.

"Shut your mouth before I murder you," Bakugou replies, his voice merely a low growl.

"So, next we'll give you the print-outs of your results," the director speaks over everyone, saving Kaminari from a potentially nasty fate. "They include a break down of your scores, so you know exactly what areas you need to improve going forward."

The students bicker and chatter as the forms are handed out, everyone eager to know what their friends or rivals achieved highest at. Kira takes hers from someone, reading through, hoping no one's peeking over her shoulder at her mistakes. It details the score at the top, and an attachment of bullet points below, marking her strengths and weaknesses. Seeing as she failed, there are a lot of points marked under the latter.

"Wanna look at mine?" Kirishima says, holding out his sheet of paper.

Kira looks at her partner and then down to his print out. He scored an eighty eight. She understands his kindness, but declines his offer with a simple shake of the head. Kirishima's hand hesitates, but he takes his sheet back, his arm hanging limp at his side, staring down at Kira, his worry intensifying. Kira knows that Kirishima's always had a huge heart and he feels so much, but there are times when she doesn't want to feel anything at all.

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