Chapter 94 - The Boy Who Can Freeze Time

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Another weekend, another dull several long-winded hours of sure to be written exams. They seemed to do multiple weeks of them after performing a physical exam. It bored Akira and it bored Bakugou. Todoroki seemed fine with the task, though he never really portrayed an emotion outside of serenity.

These extra training days had started to dwell on Akira now - alongside normal classes, training with her classmate and trying to find times to converse with her father, it all started to become too overwhelming for her. She hadn't even been able to speak to her father again since she met him that day in the woods. She wondered how he was, if he was safe, if he was alive.

It was October, however. The start of a new month - Halloween. Mina had already begged Momo to create some festive treats to scatter around the dorm. There were pumpkins and chocolates. Spooky decorations too like: hanging bones, witches, spiderwebs and monsters. All the random cliche spooks that came with Halloween.

So, when Akira arrived back at the dormitory one Saturday evening, she wasn't the least bit surprised when she noticed a life size zombie hanging outside the building, perched on the grass with its arms out ready to grab any passers-by.

Bakugou merely grunted his complaints about the design while Todoroki had a small smile on his face at the goofy looking creature. Perhaps he's never even celebrated Halloween before. He must have...

Bakugou was determined to get inside as quickly as possible, probably embarrassed by the state of his dormitory, but Todoroki held him by the arm as he spotted another zombified figure hiding behind one of the trees. The hot head yelled his dismay at being dragged around, but Todoroki looked like an overly excited child, clinging onto Bakugou's arm and pointing at each display.

Akira was absolutely amazed at the change in Todoroki's demeanour, as if someone had flicked a switch in his mind, reminding him to act spooked around the creepy creatures. Bakugou was so put off by his classmates behaviour that he was simply staring at him from the corner of his eye, no longer trying to refuse Todoroki's glee.

As Todoroki led Bakugou towards the haunted tree, Kira couldn't hide her laughter as Bakugou tried to dig his heels into the grass to avoid being slung away from the dormitories. She's surprised he hasn't blown him up yet.

Kira shook her head at the scene, before sneaking away and heading inside the dorms. Usually, the trio are ambushed by the rest of the students before they can even take their shoes off. But, it was quiet. That's how Kira knew something was wrong. Where was everyone?

She kicked off her shoes and threw her bag aside, not caring where it landed.

"Guys?" She calls out, wondering if they planned a surprise for them for whatever reason. "Are you here?"

That's when she heard a voice and she marched into the living room, where the TV was still playing. She left it playing, the sound offering some solace in the eerie quietness of the dormitory. Kira traced her hand along the back of the sofa and decided to check the kitchen area. Kira looked around, marvelling at the whiteness of the cupboards, the cleanliness of the sides. That is, until they've been cluttered with cliche monsters from Mina. She's quite a festive person.

Akira tapped the bobble head of a vampire, with large white fangs and a dramatic red cape. Ontop of the fridge was a skeleton, sitting with its legs kicked over the side. This one glowed in the dark.

Then she noticed it. Written on a note and then stuck to the fridge with a magnet, it read: 'Gone out to buy more scary stuff! Yao-momo too tired to make more!' Followed by a smiley face. Did Mina drag the whole class with her? Kira scoffs at the thought, knowing full well of her capabilities.

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