Chapter 18 - Studying For The Final Exams

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She just didn't get it. Kira's final exams were days away, if that and there's still so much that she seems to be behind on. Her maths is okay, along with her Japanese. But her English kind of sucks. Being at UA would be a lot better if they could forget about all the normal school stuff and just focus on hero work. That is why she's there after all.

Kira had found herself a local diner near the station. It was kind of busy, which was a hindrance for her studying. She could have found herself at the library to concentrate, but Kira wanted something to drink with her school work - a nice, hot mug of hot chocolate, topped with cream and dusted cinnamon.

Kira oggled her drink, temporarily forgetting about her numerous books scattered across her desk, until the waiter came to her table and asked if there was anything else she wanted. She shook her head, but thanked the waiter for the beverage once again. She took a sip and stared back down at her open textbook and then at her notes - where was she again?

Ah - that's it - algebra. The word alone spelled trouble. Kira groaned and smacked her head on the table, earning a few curious glances from the other customers. She's never going to get it at this rate. Kira still doesn't know why she didn't team up with Momo and the others to study at her mansion.

"Probably because being surrounded by my classmates would be an even bigger distraction," Kira mumbles to herself, her voice muffled with her head still on the table.

Kira lifts her head with a sigh and closes her book. She can try something else for now. Maths isn't going anywhere... unfortunately. Kira swung open her textbook to practice her English, something else that definitely needed work.

She sighed once again, before tracing her finger along the sentences to pick up where she previously left off. She gave up halfway through in a rage quit sort of attitude. Kira rewrites every letter, every word, every sentence, until it eventually looks somewhat okay, before reviewing her pronunciation.

So not to disturb anyone, Kira muttered the language under her breath, hearing the foreign tone uttered in her eardrums. She repeated and repeated and repeated until her tongue rolled off each syllable and then moved onto the next sentence and then the next. Learning English is crucial, especially nowadays - Kira had to get this one down.

After about another hour or two of studying English, her throat was starting to get sore from the excessive whispering as so not to annoy the other customers from their pleasant meals. By then, Kira had surrounded herself with a few mugs of hot chocolate, for herself but also to prevent the owners of the diner to kick her out for not ordering anything.

Kira was about to start on one of the final few sentences of the textbook, her hand aching from the repeated writing exercise, when the diner door flew open, whacking against the wall and rattling the glass in its frame.

"Bakugou!" Kira hears Kirishima's voice over the sound of the concerned customers bickering. "Take it easy."

"Shut up," he retaliates, per usual.

Kira spins in her diner booth, her arm over the back of the chair at the sound of her roudy classmates. Kirishima spots her and his face lights up. He shoves Bakugou as he points to Kira's table and the redhead slides in next to Kira while Bakugou reluctantly sits himself opposite her.

"Where did you guys come from?" Kira wonders, stealing a glimpse back at the main door as it vibrates gently in its frame.

"The library," Kirishima says, throwing his bag on the table. "You can probably guess what happened."

"Bakugou's too loud and obnoxious for them to handle?"

Bakugou's head whirls to her. "What did you call me?" He doesn't shout his abuse this time, his teeth gritted and a deep frown set on his brows.

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