Chapter 115 - Bakugou's Resolution

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Akira didn't sleep much that night.

Their time around the fire stretched well into the night, where the moon soared high in the sky, threatening them with a spooky atmosphere. All the while, Kira had to ignore the judgemental looks from her classmates. Bakugou may not be the most approachable human being, but it's not like he's an alien from another planet. Kira's not sure how much they know; Kira's not sure how much she knows.

These were the thoughts that plagued her throughout the night, as she spent several hours staring up at the ceiling made of rickety, ashen wood. Not only that, but also a problem that she noted as the first night effect, an issue where Kira couldn't really sleep in place that she didn't call home.

It took her a while before she was used to the dormitories, before she could settle in and sleep in a place she could trust and relax in. Most of that could have something to do with the nightmares that haunted her for a few weeks after the League of Villains held her and Bakugou captive. No one really knew about them, except from him.

Her arms were propped up under her head as she went about recounting the lines etched into the wooden structure above her head, hoping that the repetitive boredom would lul her mind into some kind of wishful slumber. It wasn't working.

That night, the students had shared stories, told tall tales and even tried a few games, until one by one, everyone filtered away, calling it quits for the night and trudging up to their cabins. Kira was one of the last to move, too paralysed by the fact that her classmates were side eyeing her most of the evening, simply because of the company she keeps.

Sure, Bakugou wasn't at all nice, and he didn't excel in being forgiving or accepting when it came to others. But, that isn't really a reason to stay away, is it?

Kira sat up in her bed, the springs squeaking their morning yawns along with her. She wondered what could possibly have been planned for today, what list Iida may have compiled for them to do.

There was an endless amount of things to discover in this alternate reality, in this new location the teachers sent them all to. Who knows what lingered beyond the forest?

Kira was up and ready for the day before the sun shone its early rays of warmth, showered and dressed for the challenge of another day.

First things first, Akira and the other students all had to fill out their names on the sheet of paper in the cabin back at the beginning of the track. It was merely an assurance, to let everyone know that they're all present and accounted for.

No one else in her cabin had woken up yet, including Bakugou who had turned in early, so that he can arise before everyone else does. Perhaps he's still sulking in his room. He didn't want to have anything to do with this whole week off anyway.

She doesn't even know why she's thinking about Bakugou in the first place. Kira tries to brush the thoughts away with a meagre scoff, leaving the cabin bare footed, her shoes now living at the bottom of the lake.

The lucky charm tickled her cheek as she left, as if to remind her of all its good graces it had to offer, but Kira pushed it aside, not really knowing how a charm like that is going to help her situation. After all, it hasn't promised that much luck so far, her absent shoes being a sad start.

Instead, Kira follows the dirt path back up to the smaller cabin that sat atop the slope, peering over as if looking down its nose at her. From up here, the lake was stunning in the morning, with the new sun glistening over the surface, causing a rippling reflection across its meek waves from a sudden breeze.

Kira brushed her hair back off her eyes as she entered the small cabin, the door creaking open like everything else here made of old wood.

"Oh for-" Kira had to stop herself from finishing that sentence. "What the hell are you doing here?"

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