Chapter 9 - The First Task - Obstacle Course!

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Seven Years Ago

"Did you do the Sports Festival?" Kira asked, pointing to the television as the competitors took part in their next task.

"I did," Light Bringer replied, lifting Kira onto her lap.

"It looks fun!" She beamed.

"It was." Light Bringer nodded, staring at the television as if it brought back memories. "But it was also pretty dangerous. I remember it well. My class had some difficult challenges to overcome, each of them very different from the other."

"How come?" Kira wondered, tilting her head.

"Well, some tasks had to be done independently, whereas others had to be done as a team. Sometimes, the tasks can be based purely on Quirk power. Other times, just your endurance. It really keeps people guessing."

"Wow," Kira gawked, looking back at the television. "How were you ever ready?"

"With lots and lots of training." She sighed. "I'll show you after this is done."


Present Day

The crowd is intense, screaming and shouting and waving confetti of all shapes and sizes.

"And now for the student pledge, we have: Katsuki Bakugou, everyone!" Midnight bellows into the microphone.

"Bakugou?" Kira utters under her breath.

"It makes sense." Kaminari shrugs.

"Yeah." Kirishima nods. "He did come in first place in the entrance exam."

Bakugou steps up to the microphone, his hands in his pockets. "I just wanna say," he says, as if he's bored. "I'm gonna win."

Kira has to avoid getting smacked in the head by her classmates and Class 1B. They boo and hiss but it's clear that Bakugou doesn't care.

"You can't say stuff like that!" Iida yells over the crowd. "You're supposed to be representing our class!"

"Hey, it's not my fault you're all just stepping stones to my victory," he says calmly, turning back to his classmates.

Bakugou trudges down the steps and into the crowd of angry classmates, completely ignoring their insults. People are blaming his attitude on overconfidence, but his facial expression is telling Kira it's something else.

"Without further adieu!" Midnight shouts, cancelling the noise quickly. "Time for the first game! What will it be?"

Kira glances up at the huge board as it spins before landing on 'Obstacle Course'. She grips her hand in a tight ball in front of her, a sudden rush of determination coursing through her veins.

"Everyone, take your positions!"

Two huge double doors creak open and Kira readies herself beside her classmates, stretching out her limbs.

"Time to kick some ass!" Someone from the Class B team shouts.

The countdown blares out, the green lights blinking down until-


Kira races ahead, cramming herself in with the others in the thin doorway. She elbows someone who had previously elbowed her and tries to squeeze through, but it's no use. Everyone's so determined to be first that it's just chaos.

Suddenly, Kira feels a familiar chill and notices ice spreading across the ceiling of the doorway and along the sides. That's Todoroki's Quirk! What's he planning to do - freeze everyone? Kira frowns... that's exactly what he's planning to do. It's just what he needs to give him a headstart.

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