Chapter 33 - Ambush At The Training Camp

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Kira and Aoyama were nearing the halfway point where the Wild Wild Pussycat, Ragdoll, should be waiting for them. Class 1B did an excellent job of scaring the both of them - especially Aoyama. He jumps at every creak of the trees and rustle of the wind as they follow the path around the forest.

Kira falters midstep, the hair on the back of her neck standing on end - something isn't right.

"What's that smell?" Aoyama wonders, trembling on the spot.

"It's like something's burning," she mumbles her reply.

She turns around to the location of the stench, only then noticing the blue flames towering over the trees behind them.

"Oh no!" She whisper-shouts, taking a step back from the danger.

She hears Aoyama squeal behind her, positively terrified. "Is this part of the game?"

"I..." She begins, the fire rising higher at an alarming rate. "I don't think so. We need to go. Now!"

It's like the fire has a mind of its own as it seemingly chases Kira and Aoyama towards the midpoint. But the sight before them is even worse than the oncoming heat. The table and chair where Ragdoll should be is soaked in wet, oozing blood. It looks like someone has been massacred.

"Ragdoll..." Kira's voice wavers, searching around for the Pussycat, but she's alone with her partner.

"Aoyama-" She turns to him, but he's not there. "Aoyama!"

Where did he go? She spins on the spot, panic creeping through her gut. Was he taken by the same person who potentially murdered Ragdoll? Did he run and leave her?

Whatever the answer, she truly is alone. Kira finds herself coughing, noticing a pink fog approaching swiftly. She waves her hand, wafting some of it away, but she feels her head grow lighter and lighter as if she's about to pass out any second.


A Few Minutes Earlier

The Vanguard League of Villains watched as the unknowing students separated into their pairs, each one taking turns to enter the circuit of the Beast's Forest.

With their main goals in mind, they all split up, laying in wait to ambush the pro heroes in the making.

Dabi placed his hand against the nearest tree trunk, blue flames swirling up around the bark, instantly setting it alight. He smiled at his handiwork as the fire spread throughout the forest, licking at the dry leaves and surrounding the students.


With no other choice, Kira leaves the scene of Ragdoll's mystery and continues down the path, her legs suddenly heavy. She covers her hand with her mouth as the pink smoke swarms around her, clouding her vision.

Kira holds her breath and forces her legs into a sprint. Who was in front of her again? Oh yeah - Momo and Toru. If she can just reach them, she'll be safe again. So, she continues to follow the path, the flames behind her creating an eerie shadow around her.

Suddenly, there's a huge rumble like an earthquake and Kira staggers, using her hands to steady herself.

"What was that?" She whispers to herself.

She shakes her head - it's not important. Instead, Kira unbuttons her UA shirt and wraps it around her mouth. It would be best if she could get it wet first, but this would have to do, as she may need her hands in case she comes across a villain.

Where did Aoyama run off to? Kira wonders as she sprints down the pathway. Hopefully, everyone else is okay. Class 1A have dealt with crisis after crisis - they should be able to come out of this on top.

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