Chapter 36 - Where It All Went Wrong

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Endeavor, the flame hero, ordered her to hide in the alley whilst he dealt with the attacking Nomu. There wasn't much she could do against them, especially not in her current state. It's best to just do what the heroes say and not be a burden on everyone.

She gazes up at the sky in between the narrow space of the buildings. There wasn't much to see what with the buildings on fire, smoke and ash floating in the air. Kira grazes a couple fingers over her neck, feeling the leftovers of Dabi's dangerous Quirk. She's probably going to have a weird looking scar there for the rest of her life now. She sighs, as she hears a few Nomu screech off in the distance - her scars are the least of her concerns. Besides, jumping in through the warp gate after Bakugou was her own fault anyways.

And she would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

She doubted Bakugou was entirely grateful for her decision - though she wasn't even helpful in the slightest. What was she thinking - overpowering eight psychopathic villains. Kira's mind flashes back to the school girl, calling them the best of friends.

If that means that she thinks it means... then everything is her fault. All of it.

Kira blinks back a few straggling tears and peeks around the corner of the alley, spotting Endeavor burning three Nomu to a crisp. She can't just sit here doing nothing, while Bakugou is taken again by the villains to be used as some pawn in their sick game.

Determinedly, Kira uses her Quirk to blast her to the top of the roof, hoping that no Nomu notice her light. The spot from the roof gives her a perfect view of the carnage - Nomu in every direction she faces, battling heroes left and right.

But, where did All Might go? If she has any chance of finding Bakugou, then she has to find All Might. He can't have gotten far, not already. She spins around, trying to glimpse his flashy costume, but all she can see is flames and blood and death. Unable to control her anger, Kira stomps on the roof, the fragile building crumbling beneath her bare foot. All Might really did a number on the bar.

As she squints around the city, maybe hoping to locate a large scale battle erupting - maybe Bakugou's Quirk, when her eyes start to heat up. Her Atomic power couldn't possibly be acting up now, right? There's nothing necessary to trigger it, besides Bakugou's oncoming fate.

Kira squeezes her eyes shut, seeing bright lights underneath her eyelids. They almost look like... No, that's crazy. She concludes, shaking her head with a sharp scoff. Kira opens her eyes slowly, gazing ahead to reveal nothing but rubble and broken, tilted buildings. Kira frowns, eyeing the building and slowly closes her eyes. Beyond her vision, she can see silhouettes dancing, as if she's looking through infrared binoculars.

"This is crazy," she whispers to herself.

Just what else is her Quirk going to reveal?

Kira opens her eyes to glance down the side of the building to a still fighting Endeavor. He seems to have forgotten all about Kira for the time being. Kira closes her eyes, confirming the locations of the heated signatures, their bodies a hazy glow under her eyelids. She snaps her eyes open, leaping from building to building with the help of her Quirk burning from her palms.

Kira hangs onto one of the crumpled infrastructures, peeking through the rubble for the body.

"Hey!" She calls out, her voice echoing eerily in the darkness. She allows her arm to glow a faint green colour. "I'm here to rescue you!"

"I'm here!" Comes a faint reply, the strangers voice shaky and unsure.

"Can you move? Can you climb?" Kira asks, noting that they sound young.

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