Chapter 126 - Introduction To The School Festival

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Akira was able to sneak away from her classmates sometime during the evening to meet up with her patient father. Just like Bakugou said, he was waiting fto inform her of his progress. She was curious to know just how much Bakugou and her dad shared, but she had little time to spare, as her friends were sure to be searching for her.

Her father was in with the League of Villains. Technically, he was nothing more than an errand boy for now, but it seems that he was steadily earning their trust, though he hasn't taken part in any detailed schemes of theirs. He said that they were constantly moving from hideout to hideout, hiding away from the pro heroes. Kira had argued that he should report them now - rat them out to the police and the pro heroes, but the League are cunning and will definitely be prepared for her father to betray them as he's new to the team.

Kira hated him for doing this and demanded he abandon his ridiculous plan, but it seems he just couldn't be persuaded, saying that he 'wanted to do something good with the time he has left'. She still isn't certain how he was able to be included to their evil deeds, but her father kept his reasoning to himself, claiming that she doesn't need to know all the gritty details.

Still, it made it harder to focus over the weekend, letting it whiz by before her very eyes. She occasionally included herself in the conversations her classmates shared, especially when they continued to mention that hideous bear and her Atomic power making an appearance - Kira just wanted to forget it ever happened, but she knows that will be impossible.

Being back to normal classes felt like a dream, as if the past seven days meant practically nothing, as if she was hallucinating the memories of her and Bakugou's shared moments. Moments she never ever wanted to forget. Having him sit so casually at his desk in homeroom didn't feel the same anymore for some reason and based on the way everyone reacted to her and Bakugou during the weekend, it seems like she's not the only one who feels this attraction. She just didn't know how to act around him anymore, but it seems like the past week has simply brushed right over his head. She hated that.

"It's coming..." Mr Aizawa says weirdly eerily, causing Kira to drag her eyes away from Bakugou. "The school festival."

The class explodes in excitement, a few of the students leaping out of their seats and yelling out loud, namely Kaminari and Mina. Kira slowly raises her head off her hand - she was fully expecting a harsh lecture about what happened during their week off, not this. Kira was going to use this next week to really work on improving her Quirk. Besides, they've all just been granted a week off to relax and now they're technically having another chance to take it easy?

Kira goes to stand up to voice her complaints, when Kirishima beats her to it. "Hold on, Mr Aizawa," he starts. "Are you sure this is okay?"

"Hush, Kirishima," Kaminari spins in his seat to frown at him. "Don't you ruin this!"

"He's got a point, Kaminari," Kira says, as she too slowly stands from her seat to voice her opinion. "There are villains everywhere right now. It'll be too dangerous to throw a festival. We'll just be one massive target."

"We were supposed to get right back to training!" Bakugou yells. "Not more of this crap!"

"And that too." Kira nods, gesturing to Bakugou, as it looks like he's about to break his table. "We just took five days to relax and now we're not going to go back to our training? I really need to get my Quirk under control and not spend time throwing a festival."

"I understand your dilemma's," Aizawa says, using his hands to soothe the ill-tempered students. "You all make reasonable points. I'm certain you're all eager to get back to training. However, there are students here besides those in the hero course. You get the spotlight every year at the Sports festival. This is for everyone else. The support course, general studies and don't forget the business course students," he adds. "This doesn't get as much attention as the Sports festival, but it's still the yearly event they all look forward to. Many of your peers are feeling stressed out by the current conditions here at UA. Especially the dorm system, which had to be adopted because of the hero course."

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