Chapter 153 - The Death Of A Friend

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Kira still hasn't told Midoriya and Bakugou that she knows the truth about One For All and now she's lost her chance. At least, for the rest of the year. After their Christmas party, everyone has decided to spend the last few days of the year back home with their families. With a hero escort, of course. However, Kira can't join in on such a change, seeing as she has no parents to go home to, so she has the entire dormitory to herself.

It's so uncomfortably quiet by herself, as she rests on the sofa, staring at the television without really taking in the information. Kira contemplated heading to her house for the last few days of the year and maybe ask one of Light Bringer's assistants to keep her company, but the awkwardness that would come with it is something she wants to desperately avoid. Staying at the dormitory is safer anyway. Now that she's alone here, maybe her father will finally show himself again. It's been too long since she's seen him and her mind is starting to play tricks on her.

However, Kira does have something to look forward to. At the end of the Christmas party, Todoroki invited her to Endeavour's agency to do her work study. He also asked Midoriya and Bakugou too and they accepted, which means that she'll be able to see them again come the new year. She doesn't know how Todoroki knew about her indecision to join a hero agency, considering her mother's absence, but she's grateful that he offered her the chance to work under the number one hero. She's certain she can learn much from him. Maybe Todoroki asked her because of certain similarities they share regarding their parents - they're both a lot more alike that she realises.

Also, this may offer Kira a chance to finally come clean to Midoriya and Bakugou about her knowledge. Though, she still has to be careful. After all, this is a precious secret that cannot be overheard by prying ears. Maybe she shouldn't say anything at all. Keeping this information to herself isn't hurting anyone, nor is it a risk. It'll just be easier too.

Kira sighs irritably, trapped in this empty dormitory with just her thoughts to keep her company. The television continues to drone on, as she slumps on the sofa, her elbow on the armrest and her cheek buried in her knuckles. Everyone from Class 1A has gone home to their families, but Kira has no one else apart from her classmates. They are her new family now, but it's not like she can ask someone to stay with her over new years. She does know one other person who decided to stay behind for the holiday...

After Kira trained with Shinso on Christmas, they spoke about their plans for the new year, which led to her learning that he's staying at his dormitory instead of going home to see his family. Kira didn't press the issue, but part of her wished she did. Why is he still here instead of going back home? She then told him that she's staying too, but he didn't ask any further questions either.

Kira looks over at the dormitory front doors, eager for something to do to overcome this boredom. Shinso suggested that they train some more, but Kira was hesitant. They'd be training without Mr Aizawa present and the last thing she wants is for her Quirk to spiral out of control without him there to put a stop to her. However, Shinso insisted that he's more than capable of stopping her if he needed to. He then added that they've both come a long way, so the likelihood of her succumbing to her Atomic Power is slim. Kira reluctantly agreed, seeing as it'll give them something to do over the holidays, but today is the second day of loneliness and he hasn't come to seek her out.

Kira looks down at the television remote in her hand, when her phone buzzes in her pocket. Her phone never goes off - why should it? After all, she's always with her classmates and no one else even has her number. Apart from Kaori, her friend from another school.

She fishes her phone from her pocket and unlocks it, staring down at the notification. It's a message from someone, but the name reads 'unknown'. The following message says: "are you still at the dorms?"

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