Chapter 48 - The First Party At The Dormitories

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Practising their ultimate moves to prepare for the provisional license exam has taken a toll on all of them. Mina's idea for a party to maybe try and relax their bruised bones and maimed muscles has finally come about from fantasy to reality.

After a few days of planning, Momo helped by creating some decorations and Ochaco floated herself to the ceiling to attach said decorations to the corners of each room. Kyoka supplied music, Tsu arranged the food and beverages and Toru chose the party games for later in the evening.

Come to think of it, the girls didn't even ask Akira for any help with the planning and she can't help but think that she feels a little left out, a burden. But, the more she ponders about it, it's probably because the girls assumed Kira needed time to rest after being held hostage by the League of Villains. The only way to get herself an answer would be to ask.

Kira helps herself to a few treats left out on the table, picking at the colourful bowls and placing them on her plate. The music was thundering so loudly that she could feel it in her chest and on the bottom of her feet. Even the punch on the table rippled with each beat, as if a vicious Tyrannosaurus Rex was on the prowl.

Kaminari was bothering Kyoka about something as she knelt down to one of the speakers, fiddling with some unknown mechanism to Kira. She waves him away enthusiastically, plugging her earphone jack into the explosive device. Perhaps Kaminari wants to insert a song choice.

The table and music were outside, but loud enough to be heard around the dormitory, shaking the curtains every so often and causing the window panes to rumble. Kira's certain that Mr Aizawa knows about class 1A's hosted party, especially since the tunes could most likely be heard all the way back at UA across the street. The fact that their homeroom teacher hasn't burst through the doors already is a shock to her - he's probably allowing them the celebration after how hard they've all worked.

Speaking of the doors, they swing open revealing another handful of class B students. Most have already arrived and mingled with the other guests already - these stragglers included Itsuka Kendo, Yui Kodai, Sen Kaibara, Juzo Honenuki and of course, Neito Monoma.

Akira placed down her plate on the table to greet her class B friends. "Itsuka! Yui! Everyone! Glad you could make it!"

The others that hadn't seen class A's dorms from a few days ago when they had played Pirate Panic gaze around the dorm living room, offering Kira a smile and a nod. Akira still isn't familiar with all of class B's students - hopefully today will change that.

"Akira!" Itsuka returns the joyous gesture, wrapping her arms around Kira in a tight embrace. "Awesome party already!"

"You have Mina to thank for that," Kira says honestly. "It was her idea."

"I'd better go find her then."

Kira smiles and nods as the new guests disappear into the crowds, inserting themselves into conversations and joking around with each other. After all they've been through already, this party just feels like a breath of fresh air, a chance to finally relax and allow the heaviness of the world slip off their shoulders.

Kira takes a deep breath in, closing her eyes, before opening them, exhaling heavily. She made her way to the back of the dorms once again, where the music got louder, thumping in her head violently.

She pauses when she spots part of the decoration that the girls have put all of their effort into peeling off the top of the wall above the door frame. Kira frowns deeply, glancing around the room for a specific someone. Someone who can easily secure the decoration back up again.

She spots him across the living room, perched on the edge of the armrest. "Sero!" She calls out. "Sero!" She tries again, this time cupping her palms to try and aim her voice.

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