Chapter 38 - Introduction To Class 1A Dorms

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Kira analysed her new burn in the mirror. It was pretty grim - stretched out like a handprint across her throat, slightly blistered. She sighs softly, turning away from the mirror. Perhaps she can adjust her costume to cover the disgust on her neck now.

It's been a few days since the reveal of All Might's true form and the world was restless. Villains are bound to make more of an appearance now that they know the number one hero has officially retired. Kira pads down the stairs, approaching the still empty rooms. She was alone and has been for the past few weeks. It just didn't add up. That schoolgirl villain claimed they were best friends, yet Kira has never seen her before. However, the more she ponders about that day, the more familiar that villain appears to her. She can't place it. Kira definitely had a theory or two about why the villain knows who she is, but they seem too ridiculous to be true.

Her inner voice keeps reminding her of her faults, booming louder and louder in her big lonely house. Suddenly, a knock at the door snaps her out of her senses.

"Mr Aizawa," she says, exposing the door to a crack, before widening it fully for her teacher. "What are you doing here?"

"I've come to discuss some important matters," he tells her simply.

As he enters the house, taking a seat opposite her at the table, Kira notices that he's wearing the same attire that he wore to the press conference, his hair tied back into a loose pony.

"Mr Aizawa, you don't have to be so formal," she says to him. "It's just me here."

Aizawa pauses, his hands placed palms down on the table. "I'm sure you're aware about the idea of dormitories."

Kira nods, remembering receiving a notice about it a couple days ago. She hasn't even packed anything though, having doubts about the safety situation.

Neither of them speak for ages, just sat in silence. Kira isn't being very hospitable but then again, what is she supposed to do without someone here to guide her?

"I'm sorry, Mr Aizawa," she blurts, sudden tears forming in her eyes. "Everything that happened is my fault."

"What are you blabbering on about?" Aizawa sighs.

"The attack on the Training Camp," she explains. "All Might... I'm to blame. I-I don't know what happened." Kira shrugs, blinking away the tears. "When I was with the League of Villains, one of them... a schoolgirl - she said she knew me."

This piques Mr Aizawa's interest, looking up slowly with his brows ever so slightly raised.

"But I don't know her!" Kira shouts, hoping that her teacher doesn't get the wrong idea. She clears her throat. "I've never seen her before. That's the problem."

"This... villain," Aizawa says, his voice quiet, as if he's deep in thought. "Would you be able to recognise them again if you saw them?"

Kira frowns at the question. "Yeah, of course."

Aizawa hums in response, nodding ever so slightly. "How long did you say you've been here?" He glances around the room.

"Uh, I don't know." She shrugs again. "A few weeks, maybe."

If Mr Aizawa is concerned at all, his expression doesn't show it. "Pack your things," he says instead, landing his gaze back to Kira. "It'll do you no good cooped up in this big, empty house."

Aizawa stands up from the chair, scraping it back under the table and Kira stands up abruptly, nearly knocking her chair over in the process. "Mr Aizawa, please," she whispers. "Do... do you have any idea where Light Bringer- where my mother really is?"

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