Chapter 156 - A Foundation Built On Honesty

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Akira took what Endeavour said to heart.

His way of teaching and direction is different to how she's been initially taught, despite Light Bringer and Endeavour's tough and brittle demeanours being so similar. Though, she refuses to let this change dissuade her. Endeavour wants her to focus on mastering her traversal before moving on to her other difficulties, so she just has to get this down, or she'll never learn how to master everything else.

It's already the third day of the work study week and neither Kira or her classmates are any closer to their goals. It seems that no matter how hard they try, Endeavour seems further away than ever. Kira even more so. She's fallen behind her friends, as she struggles to use the light particles around her to traverse the city environment. This new way of movement is difficult, too difficult. She fears she'll never be able to learn it in time.

They're out on patrol again, high above the streets that guide the young heroes as they scan their jurisdiction. Being the number one hero, Endeavour's reach is vast, his patrol area seemingly never-ending. Bakugou, Midoriya and Todoroki are hot on Endeavour's heels and Kira's behind them, leaping from building top to building top, struggling to find where to place her feet. How does she overcome fear? How does anyone?

Her classmates have their own obstacles to overcome, but at least they don't have to be worried about simply travelling from one destination to another. Kira hesitates on the edge of a skyscraper, pausing for a second to catch her breath, to formulate some kind of strategy. It's not like she'll lose track of her classmates and Endeavour - the combination of Quirks aren't exactly stealthy. She looks down at the cars below, hearing the distant honk of horns and pedestrians chatting in a hurried fashion.

Kira's already changed her style of traversal, hence why she's falling behind. Instead of a constant light source projecting from her skin, she's boosting herself onwards in singular bursts, deactivating her Quirk only when she's airborne. She soaks in the fragile sun, trying to feel its familiarity under her skin, in her pores, but this goal seems far fetched. Her Quirk is versatile in many ways, but this? Maybe Light Bringer never changed how she moved around because she simply couldn't.

Kira groans irritably, watching her classmate's images shrinking as they advance, leaving her behind. She backs away from the rooftop, readying herself for a run up. She breathes heavily, mustering up some courage from somewhere unknown and charges, sprinting towards the building's edge and leaping, feeling the cold wind rush down her back, scooping her hair from her face. Her gut flips at the lack of solid ground under her feet.

This is a different attempt - she usually uses her Quirk to offer her an added boost from the building top, but this time, she merely jumped without her Light to help her. Hopefully, her instincts will kick in. Maybe the sun will reach out for her. But, as she keeps falling, the cold air snatching her breath away, she knows that her fate is inevitable. A smaller building awaits Kira below, far below and she braces herself, her Quirk shining under her skin, a blinding white that snakes up to her shoulders.

She aims her palms out, facing the incoming rooftop, when she hesitates again. Instead of using her Light like she's always done to soften her fall, she should create a light shield, like Endeavour suggested. That could be a start. She's never created airborne shields before, like bubbles, but a dome below on the rooftop could be a welcome introduction. As the surface gets nearer, Kira focuses, frowning as she pictures the shield in her mind. She's no stranger to creating shields, cocoons to protect innocent civilians, or keep criminals trapped inside, but, she's always generated them from up close. Now, there's distance. But, what choice does she have when the rooftop is steadily approaching as she falls?

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