Chapter 13 - The Return Of Somebody Unexpected

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Standing before her, clad in an entirely black suit, with black boots, her hair tied back into a ponytail, just like Kira's, was Light Bringer. Her dazzling bottle-green eyes examine Kira briefly, before she disappears into another room, without uttering a word.

Kira glances over to her sidekick, who merely jerks their head to follow after. She frowns and follows Light Bringer to a large television. The sidekick hands Light Bringer the remote.

"Sloppy," she says finally and Kira can't seem to take her eyes off her.

She hasn't changed all that much, but Kira just doesn't recognise her. Has it really been two years?

"Look," she says sternly and Kira forces her eyes to the screen, where it shows a freeze-frame of her battle with Mina.

Light Bringer taps the remote again and it brings up an image of her and Tokoyami.

"Curious," Light Bringer says quietly, tilting her head at the television. "But time-consuming."


"You expect the villains to sit down and have a little chat?" She cuts her off, frowning at her daughter. "If this were a real fight, you'd be dead before you got your first word out."

Kira's head snaps from the screen to her mother and then to the sidekick before landing back on her mother again. Before Kira can reply, Light Bringer switches the screen onto her fight with Bakugou.

"You showed some sign of promise in this fight." Her voice is softer until she flicks to an image of Kira glowing and Bakugou sitting in the dirt before her. "You let your power get the best of you. Again."


"Your emotions are your weakness, Akira," she explains, zooming in on her at the Sports Festival.

"My emotions?" She gasps. "I overheated that's all! I used my Quirk for too long and-"

"And look where it got you!" Her mother yells at her, pointing at the television. Kira feels frustrated tears prick her eyes - her mother's returned and this is what she gets? No hug? No tears of joy? "You could have killed everyone at that stadium!"

Through a blurry vision, Kira tears her eyes to the screen one more time - she looks like a villain with her white hair and her white glossed over eyes.

"Where have you been?" She croaks finally.

Light Bringer pauses. "Akira, this is no time for-"

"Where were you!?" She yells, tears falling down her cheeks freely. "If you had been here, maybe none of this would have happened! You should have stayed! Not only did dad's death break you - it broke me too! And you left me..." She ends on a quiet note, her energy spent.

Light Bringer stays silent as she stares at her pitiful daughter.

"What kind of mother are you?"

Light Bringer nods to her sidekick and she takes the remote before promptly switching off the screen.

"You're to choose your internships at selected agencies soon, correct?" The sidekick questions. Kira's too lost to even think of a reply. "You'll take your place at Light Bringer's agency so you can fully harness your power."

"You're going to leave again, aren't you?" Kira whispers, her eyes glued to the ground.

Light Bringer turns and stares out the window overlooking the calm road. It's started to rain, the drops pattering onto the glass.

Stuck With You | Katsuki Bakugou x OC [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now