Chapter 55 - The Plan To Get Back Home

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A Few Hours Ago

"What if he's not there?" Kira questions, her legs swinging over the side of the building.

"Then we'll try again until we do find him," Bakugou replies, pacing along the edge of the roof. "One way or another, I'm gonna get back, even if I have to beat the crap out of that damn villain."

Kira sighs, the wind blowing her hair in her face. She scoops it aside to face her impatient classmate. "Y'know if someone were to overhear us right now, they'd immediately assume that you were the bad guy."

"So what if they did?" He retorts, finally standing still with his hands in his pockets. "We don't even belong here so why should I care about what others think?"

"That's a hell of a way to think, Bakugou."

He looks down at her. "I do whatever the hell I want and no can tell me otherwise."

"That's the spirit," she nearly laughs.

He scoffs, but doesn't reply as he begins his pacing again.

"When we find him, then what?" Kira wonders, allowing her hair to obscure her features as she gazes down the multiple floors to the ground below her dangling feet. "Even if we spot the villain amongst the couple other hundred people in the theater, how are we supposed to get him to come to us?"

"We're gonna have to get his attention or something."

"Like... make a scene?" Kira frowns. "Away from prying eyes if we can."

"It'll be easy. Stop worrying."


"You're gonna send us back where we came from, you dumb villain!" Bakugou orders, ducking under a more aggressive bubble.

"Back?" The villain ceases fire momentarily, straightening and fixing his tie. "Ah - I see now. I see your aura."

"My what?" Kira frowns, taking a tentative step forward so she's beside Bakugou.

"I've jumped around quite a bit," their opponent explains. "I've evolved my Quirk along the way and I've come to realise that people have a certain aura. For both of you... it's kind of pinkish."

"Uh huh," Bakugou grunts. "I don't really care, just send us back to our reality."

"Everyone else in this reality is more of a light orange," the villain continues, ignoring Bakugou altogether. "The fact that two kids are able to find me and not the pro heroes is quite amazing."

"Look," Kira steps forwards with her hands up. "We didn't come here to listen to your sob story. We just wanna get back home. We don't wanna fight."

Bakugou starts to grumble his argument, when Kira hushes him abruptly.

The villain seems to be thinking it over, but it's not really that difficult. "Well, if another me sent you two over here, then you must mean trouble."

"The other you is an idiot!" Bakugou counters. "He tried to rob the store across the street and his dumbass failed!"

The villain sighs, itching his face under the mask. "Let me guess, you two stopped me."

"Who ever said it was just the two of us?" Kira says, finally lowering her hands. "Our classmate was left behind, back in our world and is probably kicking your ass to a bloody pulp because of his Quirk."

He barks a laugh. "That's funny. All it takes is one of my bubbles to touch your skin and I can send you wherever I want."

"So, you do have control over your Quirk?" Kira questions.

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