Chapter 119 - More Beautiful Than Fireworks

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It was only the third day of their supposed week off and Kira felt awful. So far, her wound had healed, though a nasty, thin scar remained, another constant reminder of her uselessness. No further reports of the vicious bear that attacked Kira and her group have been given - Kira was almost certain it would launch an ambush while they all slept, having caught a taste of Kira's blood. But, it was quiet. Uncomfortably quiet. Her guilt had gotten the best of Kira's mind, making her believe that her classmates secretly hate her for having fallen victim to the bear's claws.

Not only that, Kira's mind was restless due to Bakugou. His uncertain behaviour baffled her immensely, so much so that she really did end up blaming herself for her actions. Perhaps he had meant it as a whole, when he stated how worried he's been, he must be speaking for the class, as he's clearly the only student not afraid to speak his mind. After all, Kira has done questionable things, one after another, causing others to worry about her wellbeing. Still, for Bakugou having voiced it out loud, in a way that made Kira succumb to the lack of accountability that she's shown throughout the year, it was out of character for him.

So much for staying away from him, like she had planned to do.

Kira scratches the bandage where it's rubbed against her skin in her sleep, sulking in the cabin. Despite feeling back to her usual self, she's been put on bed rest. Her cabin mates were dead serious about it. So, as her friends were enjoying what she's certain was an ecstatic, fun adventure outside, even though they were on high alert due to the bear and Kira was stuck indoors. Kaminari did mention finding a secret room where he found all the chests - perhaps Kira will have a snoop and see what she can uncover.

The rain had ceased for now, but Kira occasionally heard the dripping of old rainfall sliding off the rooftop to sink into the decking outside, as she searched the ground floor of the cabin. A shower was definitely on her to-do list too, but for now she kept her blanket around her body, letting it drag on the wooden floor behind her. She passed the wide staircase, searching underneath for a secret door, but it was just a normal wooden set of stairs with no foundation underneath it. Kira hummed as she searched - the cabin wasn't even all that big, so finding this room should be a piece of cake.

As Kira spun on the spot, she saw the door, staring her in the face. It was dark wooden, like the other interior doors and for some reason, Kira approached the door cautiously. She was alone in the cabin; her encounter with the bear must have rattled her more than she cares to admit. Kira frowned with a sudden burst of courage and swung the door open, it smacking into the fragile cabin, causing a handle shaped indent. It was a basement - Kaminari didn't mention it was a basement.

Kira could smell the dampness of it already, as if the rainwater from yesterday had soaked into the cabin walls. Sighing, Kira allowed her arm to brighten up to her elbow, causing her shadow to dance on the wall beside her, as she slowly descended into the darkness below. The stench got worse, as if there was a pool of unkept water under the surface. Her theory turned out to be true, as Kira moved down off the last step, her bare foot vanishing into the chilling water. Kira allowed her Quirk to glow stronger, casting a whiteness around the basement, illuminating everything in sight. There were shelves and shelves of chests and boxes, all shapes and sizes, different colours and materials. Some were thick, covered in a thick leather, others were tatty and bare. The basement seemed to stretch around to the left and right, probably offering all sorts of surprises. She wondered if all the cabins possessed such a labyrinth.

As Kira waded through the water, she left a series of lights orbs in her wake, like a trail of breadcrumbs. She decided to check out the rest of the basement, turning to the left, her one glowing arm bouncing off a dusty, old mirror that nearly scared her soul into the afterlife. Kira assumed that there would be some sort of light source down here, but there wasn't even a window to alert her of which way she's facing. She's lucky her Quirk gives her the power of sight. She followed the water around to the furthest side of the basement, noticing the most random objects; a few chairs stacked on top of one another at an angle, a couple of mouldy mattresses, their springs poking out, tableware and kitchen equipment rotting in a soggy cardboard box. That explains why all the cupboards upstairs are empty - it's all down here, floating in the muggy rainwater. Kira strides towards it in the water, reaching for the half-floating box. Perhaps some of the stuff is still usable.

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