Chapter 1 - The Story Has To Start Somewhere

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Two Years Ago

"You have to understand, Kira," she said, kneeling in front of the crying child. "This is just business."


"No more crying now. There's no more time."

Kira stared up at her mother, as she headed towards the front door, her vision blurred with salty tears.

"Don't go." She sobbed, as her mother stopped in her tracks. "Don't go like dad did!"

"Look after her," she whispered to her assistant over her shoulder. "I'll be back, Kira. Don't you forget that."


Present Day

Akira can't believe it. Today's the day of the entrance exam. She stands in front of the towering building, her eyes gleaming at the huge initials engraved on the front: UA. She closes her eyes momentarily, trying to remember what her mother looks like. Mainly, Kira's doing this for herself, but she wants to eventually become a pro hero and join her mother wherever she is right now. Just imagining fighting by her side brought a smile to her face.

"Move it, extra!" Comes a harsh voice, and Kira's eyes snap open as a boy with blonde hair shoulders past her.

She's just about to retaliate when she hears the others whispering and pointing.

"Isn't that the guy who fought the sludge monster?"

"What was his name? Bakugou?"

"Yeah. He's the real deal."

Kira frowns at the boy, Bakugou, as he enters the building with his head hung low. She heard about that incident on the news - watching the amateur footage that was taken at the scene, she remembers seeing him struggling against the villain. She wonders if that experience was traumatic for him at all. If she were in his position, she wouldn't want to be known as the person who was taken hostage by a villain.

Sighing, she shrugs on her rucksack and heads inside, following the crowd of angsty students into a large hall. Kira chooses a random seat, finding herself next to a boy with black hair and red eyes. Next to him is a girl with pink skin and horns. She wonders if they know each other. Gazing around the enormous space, as the others take their seats, Kira can't spot anyone she knows from her class, let alone her school. Maybe they didn't pass the written exam.

"Hey there UA students!" The pro hero Present Mic announces, raising his arms enthusiastically. "Are you ready?"

The silence is deafening. Kira squints from her seat at the very back of the hall, as Present Mic shows a large, bright screen introducing the rules of the exam. Maybe Present Mic is friends with her mother. Perhaps he knows her differently than Kira does.

Kira's mother's hero name is Light Bringer. She once told Kira that she wasn't the one to choose it. When she got her provisional license, she rescued a bunch of civilians with her abilities and so people started calling her Light Bringer. Kira inherited her mother's powers, her father being Quirkless. Kira will never be able to rid that day from her mind, when her Quirk finally decided to show itself.


Eleven Years Ago

"It's your fault!" Light Bringer yelled, as she pointed furiously at her father. "Look at her! She's Quirkless!"

Kira clasped onto the front of her shirt with all her might, hating her parents arguing in front of her.

"She- she's not! She's just late!"

Stuck With You | Katsuki Bakugou x OC [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now