Chapter 151 - Heroes Rising (Finale)

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Kira's Quirk shimmers meekly in her right hand as she holds it up to the sky, the green that collects under her body is usually rich and glowing off her skin. Now, it merely flickers, as she gently wiggles her fingers. The sun's rays filter through her outstretched hand, offering her as much strength as it can. But, the rest is up to her. Kira's left hand clutches her side, just under her breast, where she can feel the extent of her injuries. Her ribs are shattered, that much is clear. Her lungs are probably pierced, due to the stabbing pain digging into her whenever she takes a breath. But, if she just stays here, where Bakugou placed her down and doesn't move, the pain isn't so bad. She figures she has her adrenaline to blame for that.

Bakugou and Midoriya continue to battle Nine, using their Quirks to dodge or attack, countering with every ounce of vigorous energy they have left. How they keep going, Kira will never know. Their stamina is unmatched. Kira slowly lowers her right hand, as Bakugou shouts something at the top of his lungs. She can't hear his exact words due to the array of dazzling Quirks being thrown around, but she can only assume it was something cruel. Despite this villain's terrifying strength and multiple Quirks, Kira isn't worried. Bakugou and Midoriya fought him once before, so now they know what to expect. Plus, they're strongest when they're together.

Katsuma and Mahoro haven't stopped crying since the battle commenced, gripping each other so tightly, that their little hands have turned white. Their faces are pale, their eyes bloodshot as their tears continue to fall. Kira could console them, say something to ease their panic, but they're watching the same thing as her - they don't need to hear Kira say that 'everything was going to be okay', when they have two of the greatest heroes in the world fighting for them.

Currently, Bakugou and Midoriya have the upper hand, obliterating Nine's defences with unstoppable ease. Bakugou's attacks are relentless, as he fires explosion after explosion, firing off his Quirk in quick succession, refusing to allow the villain a second to formulate a plan. He concludes his barrage of attacks with a finishing blow, a massive explosion that sends Nine hurtling back. Both Bakugou and Midoriya pause their ambush, if only just for a moment, so they can analyse just how formidable their approach has been so far. Nine continues however, getting to his feet with unforgiving strength, creating a terrifying thunderstorm. Somehow, he just looks stronger, jagged, purple streaks criss-crossing across his bare body, as he raises his arms to conjure up this storm.

Kira covers her face with her arm, shielding herself from the carnage streaking towards her. The energy in the air is spiralling and everything shifts. Kira peeks over her arm, watching in awe as Bakugou and Midoriya refuse to give in. They lunge towards Nine in unison - it looks like the initial plan has changed. It was a straight-forward idea, but now Nine is pushing her classmates to their limits, giving them no choice but to take this battle one step further. With the villain's power increasing dramatically, he now has the potential to obliterate the whole island if he really wanted.

Midoriya's power is ten times stronger than it's been, as he soars towards the tornado that has now formulated before Kira's very eyes. She can feel how intense his spirit is, as he charges towards the storm with zero hesitancy. This whirlwind that towers high above Kira, disappearing amongst the black clouds above spins and spins, wafting up everything in its path. Its colours are vibrant: a mixture of red, purple and orange energy. She can barely see her classmates amongst all the chaos. Bakugou uses one of his ultimate moves, sending himself high into the air, tackling the eye of the storm with his Howitzer Impact. His body vanishes in a cocoon of smoke and explosions as he flies towards the tornado.

However, Nine's power is too great, as both Bakugou and Midoriya are flung away from the tornado. Kira's hope dwindles, as her classmates come to a painful stop away from the villain. Jolts of scarily powerful lightning splinters the ground around Kira, Katsuma and Mahoro and she flinches at their severity. She should run away, get some distance, but something tells Kira that it will be a bad idea, as any type of movement will result in being struck down by one of these monstrous bolts. Instead, Kira forces her Quirk back to life, her right hand now glowing brightly under her skin, like it's supposed to and creates a large shield above her head. Big and strong enough to deflect the incoming rain of rocks that threaten to bury her underneath. Her shield will not break. She will not allow it to. With Shoji also close by, Kira ensures that the shield around his body remains strong as well, protecting him from the rockfall. She can't see him clearly, as the rocks continue to pummel against her defences, but she just has to focus, see him in her mind's eye, keep her Quirk alive.

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