Chapter 56 - Incredible, It Is

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Kira had her arm cast in a sling for the time being, but due to her second Quirk, she doubted she would even need it for long. Now, Bakugou was the only person who knew about it, except her father, of course. She wondered how that would effect their relationship in the future. Would he tell anyone? Or keep it a secret? Perhaps he would see it as even, seeing as she knows about his confession to her. It's as if they have a way to blackmail each other if need be and Kira hated viewing it that way.

"You should keep it."


"The dress," Kirishima adds, as they walk back to their dorms after having spent hours informing the police of their situation. "It suits you."

"Maybe. If it wasn't so torn up."

"I'm sure Yaoyorozu would be willing to fix it up," he says.

They finally arrived at their dorms, Bakugou entering first without so much as another word to them or the other classmates.

"You should both go see Recovery Girl," Kirishima suggests. "Especially you, Akira."

Kira and Bakugou lock eyes momentarily, as everybody else finally come out of their hiding places and bombard the three of them with a dozen questions.

"What happened?" Mina shakes Kira by the one good shoulder.

"Tomorrow," Kira yawns. "I need a shower and then bed."

"Is it true that there's other worlds?" Sero questions.

"Ho- how do you know about that already?" She frowns.

Kirishima reveals his phone, having informed everyone about their wellbeing over the past couple of hours.

She glares at the red-head before turning back to Sero. "It's true, but trust me, they're not as exciting as you might think."

Bakugou watches the scene commence as he waits for the lift to arrive, a dissatisfied look on his face. Kira catches his eye and wonders if he's worried about her spilling their time together in the alternate reality. She nearly laughs to herself - when she puts it that way, it sounds like she and him were involved in some sort of scandal.

The lift eventually arrives with a ding and Bakugou shoves his hands in his pockets as he enters. Kira ignores the questioning from her curious classmates and rushes over to the lift, squeezing through the crowd and only just managing to fit through the gap of the closing doors.

"What the hell do you want?" Bakugou grunts in disgust, as Kira cradles her unwell arm.

"I wanted to talk," she replies, removing the sling over her head and screwing it up into a ball.

"I don't wanna talk to you."

"Because of what happened?"

"No!" He barks, looking at her sharply. "I'm tired."

"Yeah, the past few hours were pretty intense with that villain," she says quietly, keeping her attention focused on the ball of bandages in her hands.

"That villain was stupid and weak," Bakugou argues.

Kira sighs heavily, before looking up at Bakugou hastily. "Are you incapable of not arguing with someone for five minutes so we can have a civilised conversation?"

"Tch." He crosses his arms as the lift arrives at floor four with a ding.

He gets out first and Kira hesitates before pursuing after him.

Her classmate grunts irritably suddenly. "Quit following me!" He yells. "You're pissing me off."

"Are you worried I might tell someone?" She asks bluntly.

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