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~Next day, ENFP's POV~

Last night was a mess.
Holy mother of toads, how did we attempt to kiss twice?!
Mild headache, the thin cover and popped bottles, these are the things I felt next to me. As soon as I was about to open my eyes fully, I saw someone barge in. The supervisor.

--Rise and shine, lovely girls! Time for an amazing day, full of adventures! (Supervisor)

Amazing day, full of adventures?! So be it!
I jumped out of bed, rubbed my eyes and rushed to the bathroom before anyone else could. I washed my face, and as I was brushing my teeth I could hear people banging on the door.

--Get out, ENFP! (ENTJ)
--I need to go to the bathroom! (ISFP)
--Please open the door! (ESFP)

The bangs were getting louder, and I tried finishing as quick as I could. After I ended the brushing time, I opened the door, and a crowd full of girls stormed in. Oxygen was almost out of my lungs, as some girls pushed desperately through.
After I was out of the chaos, I shrugged it off and went towards my bedroom.

Fifteen minutes later, I succeeded to put on my uniform and brush my hair, and, as I was about to rush outside, I hear a voice from the speaker:

"Rise and shine, students! We've got a day of exploring today! Will you please make your way towards the Wonder Alley, where you shall find small and creative stands full of all types of souvenirs!"

It was the Supervisor, and, as I heard the words creative and souvenirs I wanted to get outside even more!
Out of curiosity and excitement, I rushed outside, to see the beautiful, clear blue sky, and the swarm of people walking together.
I was looking for someone to walk with, too, and I saw ESFP getting out of the cabin and counting her money.


A short while later, we came across a charming little stall selling crystals. Initially, ESFP didn't seem to understand the excitement surrounding them.

--Look at them! So beautiful and colorful! (ENFP)
--Yeah, but ain't them little shits just...rocks? (ESFP)
--ESFP, they're not just rocks! They're colorful and many believe that they have numerous properties! (ENFP)
--You say? Like what? (ESFP)
--For example, look at this rose quartz bracelet Cuzzy gave me! Rose quartz is the crystal of love, might work for you to get one, too! Oh, look, I've just spotted one perfect for ya! (ENFP)

I pointed at the respective bracelet. ESFP still seemed quite dissapointed, and drew my attention:

--Girl, you know I only fuck with gold, right? (ESFP)
--I know, I know, but wouldn't it be worth a try? I've already experienced two almost-kisses with my guy, it's a trip, ESFP! The place where shit with the most tension might happen! (ENFP)

Out of the blue, ESFP appeared to grow more interested, almost convinced by my proposition. She hummed contentedly while perusing the array of crystals spread out on the stand's table.

--Love, ya say? This is the little magic shit? (ESFP)
--Yup! Just try! (ENFP)

ESFP then got the pack of money out of her pocket, while I was still inspecting the tiny things in front of me. They were so small and adorable, I just wanted to take them all home!
Meanwhile, I've spotted INFP coming towards us. ESFP was holding the newly acheived rose quartz bracelet with pride, as if it was a totem.

--They look so adorable, don't they? (ENFP)

I say, as INFP peeks at the little things in front of her.

--Yes, they are, indeed...let me see which ones I didn't already collect... (INFP)

Me and ESFP have already bought our stuff, so we began wandering elsewhere.

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