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When we got home, I wanted to rush to the bathroom and lock myself in, but INTJ stopped me.

--What has gotten into you, ENFP?! (INTJ)
--Look, I'm sorry, it wasn't my idea! (ENFP) was their plan, wasn't it? (INTJ)
--...well...uh... (ENFP)
--You can't say otherwise. Ugh, you're unbelievable, ENFP! I...I just...I don't know how to deal with you anymore! Can't you just behave?! For once! (INTJ)
--I'm sorry- (ENFP)

His grip around my wrist tightens even more. And it was hurting me.

--L-let me go...please- (ENFP)
--No! I'm not letting you go anymore! You know what happens when I do! You just get into trouble each time! (INTJ)

His eyes narrow as he looks me up and down. I was standing in front of him, like a slave waiting for a punishment.

--Take the hoodie off. (INTJ)
--W-what?! (ENFP)
--It belongs to me. (INTJ)

Indeed I stole his hoodie was in the washing machine.

--My hoodie is- (ENFP)
--I don't care. (INTJ)

He leaned closer, looking at every inch of my face.

--I can't do it in front of you- (ENFP)
--Look at me, ENFP. (INTJ)

Grabbing my face to make me look at him, he replied:

--Do I I give a fuck? (INTJ)

I gulped on my own saliva in fear. Was he really going to rail me like ISFP said...?

--What's on you belongs to me. Take it off. Now. (INTJ)
--Let me- (ENFP)
--So you want me to rip it off of you? (INTJ)

Widening my eyes and slightly blushing at the thought, I reply:

--B-but I...o-only have a b-bra underneath! (ENFP)

Shamelessly looking down at the direction, he spoke with an intrigued tone:

--The hoodie is still mine, and I don't share. So take it off. (INTJ)
--No- (ENFP)
--You want me to? (INTJ)

I took it off on my own. My body was getting tense at the feeling of his eyes on me.

--T-take it... (ENFP)

I slowly handed him the hoodie.'s alright, you can keep looks better on you anyway. (INTJ)

He scoffs and speaks one more time:

--This was your second offence. The third time you aren't getting alive out of this. I'll shove a fucking knife in you. (INTJ)

His words made me a bit scared.

--Y-yes...I'll t-try to behave myself... (ENFP)
--Okay, but this time I hope you actually try...I'm not wasting my time on you anymore, I'm sleepy. (INTJ)

Letting go of my wrist, he took off his shoes, locking the door afterwards. I quietly went into my room, changing into my pajamas. Inside my mind I still pray ISFP is okay...

~Next morning~

The room was dark and the vibe was gloomy. November is chill as a month. One more month until winter, I can't wait. It's the best time! Snow battles and-...wait...what is this on me? Now that I'm passing by the little mirror on my desk I see something strange. On my skin...hickeys? And fresh bite marks all over me. How the heck?! And I'm seeing them everywhere! Arms, chest...and my neck was full of them. If I look down, even my thighs have some...damn, I look like I just had sex or something! What happened?! I don't remember doing anything else last night, I went to sleep as soon as INTJ did...INTJ...did he have something to do with this?

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