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~A week later,INTJ's POV~

And the last piece...and finally, after a week, we finished this damned project. ENFP, who is next to me, wipes off a drop of sweat on her forehead. This shit took lots of patience and concentration.

--Finally, it's done! Ugh, this shit stressed me out. (ENFP)
--Meh, it could be better. (INTJ)

She stares at our result. It was decent, however really big.

--Are you kidding me?! This shit is scrumptious! We're gonna get that A+ for sure! (ENFP)

The sparkles in her eyes gave away her pride and joy.

--If you say so... (INTJ)

I know the A+ will be ours. And with such a creative partner, I will surely request her to help me with more Art projects. Ugh, my girl...she is just adorable.

--I would've finished earlier though. But your procrastination slowed me down. You should better be sorry for that, you little idiot. (INTJ)
--Sorry, INTJ... (ENFP)

Her bottom lip was stuck out as she innocently apologised. She is so cute...just my ray of sunshine.

--Am I forgiven? (ENFP)
--Hm, I'll think about it. (INTJ)

I tried to seem as serious as I could.

--Fine...I'm giving you time! (ENFP)

And I'm giving myself time to wait and not kiss your lips until sore yet. Yeah, giving time. I sometimes cannot understand how she can look so wholesome and she is just like a puppy.

~3 days later~

Well perhaps I am not so confident about this after all.

--INTJ, calm down, we finna get that A. (ENFP)

ENFP reassured me while I was overthinking about our whole project. Not really about that, but about the fact that I will have to present the project in front of the class. The bigger issue was that we were in the middle of Computer class, and I was on the verge of having a panick attack.

--B-but...what if we fail? What if others are better than us?! (INTJ)
--Nah, we have the best one. It's the shit! (ENFP)
--But still...ENTJ...what if- (INTJ)
--Naw, we finna be the best. I trust you. A future architect and a creative mind makes the best duo. That's us! (ENFP)

Still, I was questioning all my abilities. But I was quite afraid to tell ENFP I cannot present the project. What if she thought I was a fool? My breath became even heavier as I put my head down on the desk. People were making noise in the class. ESTP and his two minions were yelling and swearing in class, ENTJ was gossiping with ESTJ and ESFJ, and the rest were just snickering. It was hell.

--Ask the teacher to go to the bathroom, it will be better there. (ENFP)
--But- (INTJ)
--I will also come there, don't worry. (ENFP)

The thought of ENFP being with me in pure silence was making me feel better. Still, I was agitated. ENFP asked the teacher for me to go to the bathroom and I managed to get out of the class. As soon as I went into the bathroom, I collapsed to the floor, heavily breathing


My poor INTJ is not ok and I need to be there for him. Awh, my baby must be so should I get there without people thinking I was going there to hook up or something? I was thinking and suddenly...something caught my eye. Scissors. I knew this was gonna hurt, but...I was managing to take the risk for him. I took the scissors, looked at my hand, then...cut.

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