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~P.E. class~

I sat on the bench since sports aren't my strong point. And there was ENFP, trying out for cheer. It does not fit her, to be honest. Only the first day and she already started messing up.

--Be more careful, ENFP! (ESFP)
--S-sorry, didn't mean to. (ENFP)

I almost feel sorry for her. ENFP looks pretty in the cheering outfit though. ISTJ, who was next to me, was already secretly salivating over ESFP in that costume, since she had her short version of the dress.

--I heard that she is really obedient in bed. (INTJ)

Seconds after I said that, ISTJ choked on his own spit.

--You'd really like that, wouldn't you? (INTJ)

He began clearing his throat while I just sat and watched how lustful for ESFP he secretly is. Not just an African brat, huh?

--S-shut the bloody hell up! (ISTJ)
--Fuck her already. (INTJ)
--Fuck your ENFP then! (ISTJ)

ENFP looked at him, confused.

--Damn it, she's looking at us now. Because of you, bastard! (INTJ)
--What? Isn't it true? (ISTJ)
--What is true? (ENFP)

She was right in front of us.

--Nothi- (INTJ)
--He definetly- (ISTJ)
--It's nothing! He made...uhm...a joke. (INTJ)
--Nice, ISTJ making jokes? I clearly wanna hear! (ENFP)

Ugh...not these kinds of stupid jokes of his, ENFP...

--Well he said- (ISTJ)
--It is an extremely bad and false joke. (INTJ)
--But it's true- (ISTJ)
--My humor is broken anyway. Tell me! Faster, please, I don't wanna waste time! (ENFP)

Shit...how do I fix this misery of ISTJ's?

--So your friend INTJ said a false stating again- (ISTJ)
--Oh, about ESFP? Yea, you two better fuck faster. (ENFP)
--N-no...ugh, not you, too! I can definetly see who teached INTJ to be that way now. (ISTJ)

Suddenly, ESFP shouts for her.

--ENFP! Come on! You're already messing up and making us wait?! (ESFP)

ENFP made sure to say goodbye to us and ran away.

--I think your girl is a bit rude to ENFP. (INTJ)
--Why? Do you love your ENFP that much? (ISTJ)
--I don't...I don't. (INTJ)

It's like something in my throat made it harder to say that I do not.

--Anyway, she is not my girl. (ISTJ)
--Yes she is. (INTJ)
--Then ENFP is also your girl. (ISTJ)
--...girl best friend. Okay? (INTJ)
--No. You two are clearly in love. (ISTJ)
--No, we are not. (INTJ)
--Fine, INTJ, you do you. (ISTJ)

He continues staring at his beloved ESFP and I look around. ENFP was continuously staring at the boys playing football, curious. Perhaps she thinks football is interesting. ESFP kept snapping her out of her thoughts.

~An hour later, ENFP's POV~

--I never wanna participate in cheer ever again. (ENFP)
--Knew it. (INTJ)
--It's just so complicated! (ENFP)
--You are also horrible at it. (INTJ)
--Didn't need a reminder, INTJ. (ENFP)

My hands were wasted and I was dripping in sweat. I would've rathered sweating from sex. But I don't wanna stay clubless. I have to stay in this one. I have no other choice.

--Come on, maybe I'll get better. (ENFP)
--Maybe not. (INTJ)
--Maybe yes. (ENFP)
--Maybe I don't want you to. (INTJ)
--Maybe you'll chill the fuck out. (ENFP)
--Maybe I cannot. (INTJ)
--Maybe why? (ENFP)
--Maybe because you don't tell me to chill the fuck out. (INTJ)
--Maybe ok. (ENFP)

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