Well I did not know that later I will think about her even more.


She turned her back to whisper to me while in Geography class. She sits next to ISFJ and I sit next to ISTJ. I easily have access to stare at he-...I mean see her when she needs something. Well...I mean...she is in the front, diagonal left of me. Still, ISFJ kind of blocks my view...wait, when did I start thinking like this?!

--INTJ! Look at me, bitch! (ENFP)

But I can't...

--What is it?! (INTJ)
--What do you think about this one? Did I improve? (ENFP)

Then she shows me a drawing, this time of herself. It was the same art style, nothing changed. Still very cute.

--No. Give up. (INTJ)

Her smile fades again. I hate it. I want to see her smile...wait, not again, INTJ!

--Stop making her upset, INTJ...don't you love her? (ISTJ)

He whispered to me, while I watched ENFP show ISFJ her drawing.

--I don't. (INTJ)

It was getting harder to say it. Still I do not understand what was the cause. Because love it is not.

--Come on, just look at you "accidentally" staring at her everytime. (ISTJ)
--I am not staring at her, I am zoning out! (INTJ)
--Yes, yes, sure...zoning out...in her direction everytime, right? Why can't ISFJ be in your sight? Or ISFP? Or ESFJ? Or ESTJ? (ISTJ)

I kept quiet at that.

--Exactly. Admit it, you are in love. It's just some money, I think your feelings are more important...I guess... (ISTJ)
--Then admit you love ESFP too and you'd devour her in a second. (INTJ)
--Pfft, have you lost the plot?! I hate that bitch with all my heart. (ISTJ)

Then he looks down at his notebook and closes it, since he knew we were not going to write anything today.

--Two words: angry sex. (INTJ)
--No, you wanker! (ISTJ)

He hits me with the notebook softly. Suddenly ESFP and ENTP who were in the back start laughing loud.

--Hey, cut it off, kids! (Mr. Gastin)

ENTP and ESFP tried to hold their laughs.

--Come on, tell us, perhaps we want to laugh, too. (Mr. Gastin)
--Well...uhm...we saw the two nerds in a mini-fight. (ESFP)

What ESFP did not know was the fact that the fight was about her.

--Hey, the so-called "nerds" are better than you in school and they each got an A+ while you got a B+. (Mr. Gastin)
--Excuse me, sir, I still have a plus with that B. And I am actually happy, because the B stands for the bitch in me. (ESFP)

Half the class started laughing, while the others held theirs, including her soon-to-be boyfriend next to me.


I think she did not realise that she cussed. Swearing is in her everyday vocabulary.

--Oh, I am sorry, sir... (ESFP)
--ISTJ, don't be jealous she calls a man "sir" other than you, ok? (INTJ)

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