I can't believe I gotta go to cheer practice tomorrow. Oh how much I'd like to be a boy right now...shit, I have other things to worry about. Like...the fact that it's a Tuesday. Ugh, I hate Tuesdays! We have Biology right now, fuck!

--ENFP! (Mr. Mieven)

Just then I realised I zoned out and the teacher was calling for me.

--Huh? Oh, sorry, sir, were you calling for me? (ENFP)
--Yes. And you are not paying attention, again! What is found at the end of the pulmonar bronchiolas? (Mr. Mieven)
--Oh, simple, the pulmonar alveolas! (ENFP)

Mr. Mieven stared at me, quite shocked that I know the lesson even though I wasn't paying attention before.

--Impressive, good job. (Mr. Mieven)

Quite proud of myself, I kept a smile on my face and thanked the teacher, quite excited. But as soon as I did, I heard quiet chuckles...and my smile slowly faded as the thought that everyone is laughing at me came again.


How dare those jerks laugh at my precious ENFP?!

--Someone protective, eh? (ISTJ)
--Shut the fuck up. (INTJ)
--Come on, INTJ, I know you are angry right now. The frown on your face gives it all away. (ISTJ)
--What do you mean? I always have a frown on my face. (INTJ)
--You don't, trust me. I know you are not smiling either, but when you are around ENFP I swear your face lights up. (ISTJ)
--It does not. (INTJ)
--Yes it does. (ISTJ)
--Excuse me, when you see ESFP you get straight up boners. (INTJ)

He turns red in embarrassment.

--Wh-what?! (ISTJ)
--Calm down, I saw it happen only like...two or three times. (INTJ)
--Curse you, motherfucker! (ISTJ)

And again...loud enough for ENTJ to hear.

--...oh shite. (ISTJ)

It was too late. My sister came in action again. She is annoying sometimes but it feels good to watch ISTJ suffer.

--Teacher, ISTJ cussed again! (ENTJ)
--I can exp- (ISTJ)
--First row, ISTJ! (Mr. Mieven)

Before grabbing all his things, he muttered something to me:

--I'm going to beat your arse after school. (ISTJ)

Then he went in the first row again. It's his second time in this year, surprisingly. ISTJ usually is not in trouble. Seems like this is what love can make out of you.


And look at INTJ...all lonely again.

estp looks so handsome today!!! <3 (ISFJ)

You say that all the time ISFJ. =D (ENFP)

i knowwww but he's just so attractive <3 (ISFJ)

Yea yea IK you talk about him all the time. TBH it's kinda cute seeing you talk about him this way. (ENFP)

yesss it's kinda nice to be in love but thankfully you experience it too now. (ISFJ)

WDYM gurl? (ENFP)

come on, you obviously fell for INTJ. (ISFJ)

WHAT. ME? INTJ? Nah gurl, he's my best friend,nothing more. (ENFP)

stop lying girl I can see the love between you two. (ISFJ)

Girl even if I was he'd never look at me. (ENFP)

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