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It was our turn now. And I was getting more nervous by the second. Seems like ENFP handled presenting in front of the class like a professional. I was just quite standing there, waiting for commands. I hate being bossed around. But I had to do it to save my ass from a bad presence. In no way I can ruin my perfect grades. I could hear my brother snickering with ESTP on purpose, to make me feel even more uncomfortable.

--Thank you for presenting, ENFP and INTJ! Your project looks amazing and the way it stands out is incredible. (Mr. Fike)

Strangely, it didn't feel like he was honeying his voice or that he just added comments out of pity. We finally got back to our seats.

--I think I'm gonna die. (INTJ)
--No you're not, we'll find out on Monday about the results. (ENFP)

Still, I was hearing ENTP whispering some shit about me. Things like that I was an insecure little freak, that ENFP had to make all the appearence, that I have no balls and shit like that. I hate him sometimes. Too bad I had to deal with him 15 years of my life. Sometimes I wonder how the fuck we're even related. I'd rather have INTP as a sibling.

~Next day, ENFP's POV~

Instead of paying attention to my own work, I was staring at him. How his hand smoothly made the pencil glide on the paper, making a perfect rectangle. Eyes narrowed but as black as the midnight, he is so dark and handsome at the same time.

--Why are you staring at me? (INTJ)
--Oh, uhm...I'm not. (ENFP)
--ENFP, quit it and begin your work, you only traced a line and it's not even properly straight. (INTJ)

Oh...yes...he was right. I snapped out of my thoughts and got to work. After half an hour, the class finished and we had our last class, my biggest nightmare, Physics. When I wanted to take my bag and blast Empire Ants in my headphones, I felt a light tap on the shoulder. It was ISFP, on their tippy toes. Quickly pausing the song, I bent down to them a bit, giving them a sweet glance.

--Oh, hi, ISFP! Are you ok? Do you need something? (ENFP)
--Hi, ENFP! Can we talk about something? I would like you to join me in something. (ISFP)

I'm invested now. Seems like INTJ is, too. He got extra focused on what ISFP was about to say. However, they looked at him then whispered to me:

--Maybe, alone...? Just the two of us, this is personal. (ISFP)
--And what is it that personal so I can't hear? (INTJ)

Seems like they activated his protective dad mode on.

--Oh, it's nothing too important,you can head over to Physics. ENFP will catch up to you in a little bit, ok? (ISFP)

INTJ loudly scoffs, exaggerately rolls his eyes and leaves.

--He is jealous, girl. (ISFP)
--I don't know what you're talking about. (ENFP)
--Anyway...I wanna take revenge. (ISFP)
--Oh, on who? (ENFP)
--The P.E. teacher, duh! That homophobic bastard wants to fail me for some unknown reason! (ISFP)
--Awh, that's fucked up. And how do you plan on doing so? (ENFP)
--I wanna spray paint his house walls after school, around midnight. (ISFP)
--Genius! I'm definetly in. That bastard kept telling me I should let my hair grow. Silly him doesn't know I want it even shorter. (ENFP)
--I know, right? He has the weirdest hair ever, and I heard that he smokes in his office while we stupidly run 4 laps around the field everytime he decides to come to classes! (ISFP)

And here we were, gossiping while heading to Physics.

--Ugh, I heard that too! ENTP even caught him once! (ENFP)
--So it's confirmed! (ISFP)
--Yes! Where do we meet up? (ENFP)
--I know his adress, but we can meet in the school parking lot. It's the easiest to get there, we can just jump over that small-ass fence. Make sure to get a hoodie, hope we don't get caught. Also tighter pants. And a mask. (ISFP)
--Ok, got it. (ENFP)

~9 hours later~

It's cold out here. Really cold. I have no idea how I didn't wake INTJ up when I snuck out.

--Oh, here you are. I've been circling around the parking lot for 5 minutes! (ISFP)
--Well, I might've arrived earlier at this bastard's house. (ENFP)

They had a huge bag with spray cans.

--So, which wall do we begin with? (ISFP)
--I'll say we can begin with the sides, they're noticable yet discreet. (ENFP)
--You're so right. Let's go. (ISFP)

We carefully snuck there. So we began. And the whole thing was going smoothly.

--INTJ is gonna kill me for this... (ENFP)
--With his member. (ISFP)
--Shut the fuck up, you're scaring me. (ENFP)

The night was quiet and windy. The November cold was sending shivers down my spine.

--Also, when I said to bring a mask,I didn't expect an orange King Kong like one... (ISFP)
--I'm the queen of unexpectable. (ENFP)

I replied, while contouring a nicely made grafitti D.

--Dude, what if anyone catches us? (ENFP)
--Nah, we're gonna be fine. Bonus, you're one fast can carry me, right? (ISFP)
--Yeah...I think so. (ENFP)

An hour passed and we got a side done.

--We're switchin' sides, mates. (ISFP)
--Still exercising on your British accent? (ENFP)
--Yeah, bruv... (ISFP)
--You should talk to ISTJ about this. Maybe he can help. (ENFP)
--I tried to. He ignores me every single time. (ISFP)
--Oh shucks. That's too sad. (ENFP)

We got to work on the other side. I was blasting music in my headphones. Odetari and grafitti are a top combo. Never noticed THROAT GOAT had police sirens in it...wait...police sirens?!

--ENFP! Quick! We gotta run! (ISFP)

I paused my music, again,and helped ISFP collect the spray cans. Just when we were about to run, we hear a rough voice.

--Police, don't move! Put your hands up! (police)

Oh well...we fucked up.

--Hands up, now! (police)

We slowly rose up our hands. ISFP was scared for dear life. So was I.

--Turn around slowly, take off your hoods and reveal who you are. (police)

We did as commanded, turning around slowly. When the policemen saw us,one of them said:

--Oh, knew it. Just some kids messing around. (police)
--Bro, we can expla- (ENFP)
--Don't bro me, young lady. You two have to come to the office for a while. (police)
--But why?! (ENFP)
--Vandalism. (police)

The police officers came and put handcuffs on us. ENTP didn't lie when he said handcuffs are uncomfortable.
--words: 1129.

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Just a little ENFP×INTJ fanart! =)

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