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The shower is comfortable. The water is all warm and pouring on me. I sit and look at myself...who am I? Why am I like this? What is this girl going to be in my life? Why does my organism act so strange? I ran my finger through my now wet hair. What is up with my mind? I still feel my cheeks warm. And no, not from the water. This is crazy. I am crazy. Crazily in a mistery. My mind feels like it's going a thousand places. After 15 minutes I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I searched for the hairdryer and started drying my hair. I style it with hair gel most of the time. But now, after some time of drying, it was smooth and fluffy. My side parts kept getting in my eyes, but I like my hair this way. Except I have to style it since I got to see when I write. I always wanted to trim my side parts, but got busy with something else instead all the time.


Shit, she came home. What if she sees me like this?! I need to go all the way to my room to dress up and the only thing I have on me is a towel.


Excited, I got home and kept thinking about the fact that INTJ keeps my drawing. But he wasn't anywhere to be seen, nor heard.


I went in my room, maybe he is there. Still, no answer. Where is this guy?! In a moment, I hear quiet breathing somewhere in the room.

--Oh, here you a- (ENFP)

INTJ was next to the door, topless, only with a towel around his waist. His hair was puffy and unstyled. He turns red in embarrassment, I can't help but blush a little bit.

--Oh...sorry...uhm...I d-didn't know. Go ahead...go in your room... (ENFP)

I resist the urge to choke on my spit since the guy was attractive as fuck. He quickly went into his room, with his head lowered and not saying a word. Then he slammed the door shut. Oh fuck, what an idiot I am!


Ugh, she likes to mess with my brains...her eyes on my body, fuck...
What is with me?!

--INTJ?...I'm sorry for that... (ENFP)

ENFP says, next to my door.

--C-can you g-go away? (INTJ)
--Did I upset you...? (ENFP)

No,you just made me discover a new feature about myself which is called being flustered as fuck. And it goes further in the body, which makes me feel weird that I feel this.

--N-no...I...I can't concentrate on dressing while knowing you're on the other side of the door. I just feel embarrassed. I apologise for making you experience this...accident. (INTJ)
--It's no problem! I am sure it'll occur more often, we are roommates, right? (ENFP)

I don't even want to imagine...poor girl...

--Yeah...right... (INTJ)

I finally gathered myself and got out my clothes. After some minutes I got dressed up and leaned on my door...ugh, what is wrong with me?!


Fuck, why am I blushing so hard?! I am so stupid...I think he's gonna be traumatised for the rest of his life. I gotta apologise again. But what if I disturb him?

--Hey... (ENFP)
--Wh-what? (INTJ)
--I just wanna tell y- (ENFP)
--It's no problem. Really. I am not just going to be mad at you for something that it was my fault. (INTJ)

INTJ usually never admits it's his fault.

--But it was my fa- (ENFP)
--No. (INTJ)
--Yes. (ENFP)
--No. (INTJ)
--Yes. (ENFP)
--Shut the fuck up. (INTJ)
--No. (ENFP)
--I will drag you in here and tie you under my bed and keep you there for a week. Let me win this. (INTJ)
--Ugh...fine! However you say. Still I'm sorry. (ENFP)
--For wha- (INTJ)
--Just sorry. (ENFP)
--You are complicated. (INTJ)
--I know. No need for reminder. (ENFP)

~Next morning, INTJ's POV~

Her hair is so beautiful and nice even if messy. How can she look so good? I have to get her snack...but oh...just one more minute. Ugh, stop it, snap back to reality, INTJ!...just some more seconds, INTJ...nevermind, I have to get up. Finally, I got up and got her snack. After some minutes, I see ENFP standing in the bed and mumbling something. Her mumbles are adorable. We followed the morning routine and she slowly opened her beautiful, dark green eyes.

--Wake up, ENFP. I got something for you. (INTJ)

Out of instinct, she took it out of my hand and munched quietly.

--Why do I gotta go- (ENFP)
--You have cheer practice today. (INTJ)

Hearing that, she angrily took another bite and jumped out of bed.

--What? You needed a- (INTJ)

Oh shit, I didn't want to ruin her day...seems like I did it anyway.

~Two hours later~


She is so damn gorgeous...

--You bastard, pay attention, we have something here to do! (ISTJ)

I can't stop staring at her...

--Oi, Romeo! (ISTJ)

Suddenly I wake up from my dreaming by ISTJ's slapping.

--Huh...? (INTJ)
--Guess what? (ISTJ)
--What? (INTJ)
--You are in love. (ISTJ)
--No- (INTJ)
--You are so in love. (ISTJ)
--I am not- (INTJ)
--You want her so bad. (ISTJ)
--No- (INTJ)

The most recognisable female teacher voice, Mrs. Minn, our Chemistry teacher,suddenly shouted:

--INTJ! ISTJ! (Mrs. Minn)

My heart jumped out of fear.

--Yes? (INTJ)

ISTJ froze right on the point, immediately, just like a robot.

--Were you making noise there? (Mrs. Minn)
--N-no... (INTJ)
--I was helping out my fellow classmate, INTJ, with his lesson. (ISTJ)
--INTJ does not need help. Pay attention to the class, both of you! (Mrs. Minn)

We nodded and went back to work. After five minutes, when I finished with the exercises, I went to my work, obviously. Staring at her. ENFP. What have you become in my life, ENFP?
--words: 1026.

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