I (quick guide)

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A story about the MBTIs in middle school (8th grade) to high-school! Meet the characters!

INTJ: the male protagonist, a.k.a. "the quiet, boring weirdo"

INTJ is no one other than a mysterious guy whose tests and notebooks only are stained by red ink which marks A or A+. Since he's not too sociable, INTJ is nothing but a "quiet, boring weirdo" in the eyes of the extroverts. Except for one fellow extrovert (or should we say ambivert). Being the type to work a group project alone, INTJ won many contests to subjects such as Physics and Maths, but yet he hasn't found true happiness.
INTJ outfit:

1. Tight, white turtleneck
2. Purple, line-patterned vest
3. Black pants
4. Black, matte shoes

With a slender figure and lots of gel to keep his hair out of his eyes, INTJ will be ready to slay every opponent if it comes to anything logic related or his "boring" hobbies.

INTP: the lazy "nerd", a.k.a. "Venus"

NASA, INTP: same thing. When she hears the word space, we assure you that INTP's ears will be the most performant antenaes. Even though she is smart, school is just a burden for her. All the geeky stuff you can find in her room. But don't go ask about it, since she sucks at small talk and would rather be reserved. Touch her handmade Solar System and it's over.
INTP outfit:

1. Dark purple, oversized NASA hoodie
2. Black crop top underneath
3. Dark purple rectangular glasses with a black string
4. Black, large cargo pants
5. VANS sneakers

Little body but a Google addicted, big mind. INTP is a humanoid with very much potential. But her biggest flaw, insomnia, isn't getting along too well. 4AM is the sleepytime of this human bat. Sunlight is her biggest enemy, as some may say. She'd be the only type that, when insulted, would laugh and agree with you. By the way, about the nickname...don't call her Venus unless you are a close friend. The reason of this nickname is that she is just like the planet. Oh, you thought it's her favorite planet? Nope, it's Makemake, the dwarf planet. So underrated, just like her!

ENTJ: the bossy bitch, a.k.a. "Mrs. Superior"

Command-it-all type. When her heels are heard clicking on the floor, the room goes quiet. ENTJ has the money to buy everyone in the MBTI classroom. Her glare means nightmare. Even the teachers fear her. She would do anything for money and dominance. Students and even teachers have to say good morning to her.
ENTJ outfit:

1. White button-up shirt
2. Dark purple, fancy, silk coat
3. Black, tight, knee-lenght skirt
4. Black, shiny heels

ESTP's girlfriend, ESTJ's devilish partner and INTJ's sister, ENTJ can kill anyone with just a look in the eyes. Her lips carry the most expensive lipsticks and nobody knows the secret of her silky, long, healthy hair. Her biggest dream is to acheive world domination.

ENTP: secretly gay antagonist, a.k.a. "Lil Dicky"

Even though he always wears a cap, ENTP always spits facts that will roast the shit out of anybody his way. His black mullet is legendary and his apple cider cologne makes his appearence in a room epic. He'd swear he hates that weird ambivert in overalls, but who knows?
ENTP outfit:

1. Tight, white shirt
2. Oversized purple t-shirt that has written on it "No, I'm not a dick. Yes, I do like dicks." (ESTP gave it to him as a present last Christmas)
3. Black jeans
4. Converse
5. His fax spittin' purple cap

ENTP has good jokes in his dirty mind that even a ton of soap can't clean. The most shocking part is that he is INTJ's brother. ENTP also got a little ear piercing to match with ESTP (they both totally pissed their pants in pain but never admitted it). If humor would be a store, ENTP's mind would be the answer, even though some people might find him annoying. But he always brushes it off by saying his iconic line:"I don't like bitches and bitches don't like me."

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