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Out of the gang and I couldn't care less. I was getting in too much trouble anyway. Not that it wasn't fun, but now I am keeping my ass safe.

--Anyway...ignoring that...oh, now I remember what I wanted to tell you! So I was saying that- (ENFP)
--Why did you do that? (INTJ)
--Do what? (ENFP)
--Why did you shatter a childhood friendship for...me? (INTJ)
--Why not? I don't wanna stay around toxic people. (ENFP)
--But...I am toxic. And besides, I am...me, nothing special. Why did you do that? (INTJ)
--Eh, what is that nonsense? You aren't toxic at all! You're my best friend and I love you as you are! (ENFP)
--R-really...? (INTJ)
--Yea! By the way, do you wanna take a walk with me today in the city? (ENFP)
--Uh...uhm...s-sure...however you want. (INTJ)


These high-school years are going to be tricky...especially having a crush on my roommate.

~5 hours later~

The door opened, a sleepy, moody ISTJ "welcoming" me by scratching his head and rising his glasses. Even if with my head lowered, my gaze was still up at him. This guy could play in the NBA, he is way too tall. When he was younger he had a rapid height growth rate.

--Ugh, what the bloody heck do you want now? (ISTJ)

Sighing, I murmur:

--...I lost. (INTJ)
--What do you mean? (ISTJ)
--Just let me in. (INTJ)

ISTJ let me inside. ISTP was munching on some potato chips that he freshly opened the bag of.

--Oh, hi. Actually, I have a request. Tell ENFP to wear less charm bracelets. (ISTP)
--Why? (INTJ)

I  asked, concentrated, while searching for something in my pockets.

--They make the most unpleasant sound ever, aren't you annoyed by it? (ISTP)
--Hey, did you forget? He's in love. Oh, he didn't realise that yet-...wait, what's up with those money? (ISTJ)

Quite embarrassed, I went up to them and gave them $50 each. ISTJ inspected the money, suspiciously.

--What's happening...? (ISTJ)
--Nice of you, I guess, but what's up with the money, man? (ISTP)

Shall I let them figure out the response, they are not stupid. So I sat there in silence.

--Are you not going to talk? (ISTJ)

Some seconds ISTJ sat as a pillair...then suddenly his face slowly started to lighten.


Then suddenly ISTP came to realisation also.

--So you admitted it to yourself, right? (ISTJ)
--Yes...yes, I did. (INTJ)
--What are your thoughts? (ISTP)
--Fuck, she's so gorgeous... (INTJ)

They brotherly patted me on the shoulders. An extremely small grin formed on my face, but I tried to hide it.

--Eh, so how many boners did it take to realise? (ISTJ)
--What are you talking about? (INTJ)
--Come on, admit it, it's boys talk. We're in high-school, we aren't saints, we gotta have a little fun, too. It's the season. (ISTP)
--Bruv is right. Come on, we won't tell anyone else. (ISTJ)
--Ugh...fine...about...yea, they were too much to count. (INTJ)

They both let out a laugh, funny thing because ISTJ never laughs. I quite like how they pretend to be happy about me. Well I guess these are the high-school friendships. Guess being apart of the nerds isn't so bad. I told them everything for about half an hour.

--She's a keeper for that. (ISTP)
--I still don't understand what you see in her but anyway. (ISTJ)
--Come on, ISTJ. Her eyes are the most beautiful that I've ever seen. (INTJ)
--You love her damn much if you went for the eyes. (ISTJ)
--And the way she laughs- (INTJ)
--Like a gorilla- (ISTP)
--Shut the fuck up, no one asked you anything and how dare you? (INTJ)
--Let him be in love, ISTP. (ISTJ)
--Pfft, love. Pathetic. (ISTP)
--Pathetic until you fall madly for a girl and then you come rushing to us for advice like this little bastard did. (ISTJ)
--And what do I do now that I realised I love her? (INTJ)
--Don't confess just yet. Grow harder feelings. It will be a really nice adventure. The small gestures and the tension...they will be fun and will mean the world to you. Just be careful so she doesn't play with your feelings. (ISTJ)
--ENFP isn't the type to do so. (INTJ)
--However you say. (ISTJ)
--Actually, she invited me for a walk just now. (INTJ)
--Perfect. (ISTP)
--So when are you planning to ask her out on a date? (ISTJ)
--Not too soon...I just really can't. (INTJ)
--Well you will have to take her out for a movie someday! (ISTJ)
--But someday isn't today. I'll plan everything at home. (INTJ)
--Of course, INTJ, who plans his next 15 years as always. (ISTJ)
--I have to replan everything because ENFP got in my life now. (INTJ)
--Such a shame. (ISTP)
--A beautiful, passionate shame. (ISTJ)
--Ugh, you two and your cheesy romances... (ISTP)

My phone gets a notification.

--Your love, huh? (ISTJ)
--Who else? (INTJ)
--She checks up on you always. It's cute. (ISTJ)
--Go with her...and keep us updated about the make-out sesh. (ISTP)
--No! She doesn't like me like that! (INTJ)
--...who knows? (ISTP)
--ENFP can't be into guys like me...she must like athletic, sporty, muscular guys or some shit. (INTJ)
--That right there... (ISTJ)
--Is true- (INTJ)
--Is absolutely fucking false. (ISTJ)

Then...what's her type? Can't be me.

--So...according to my files, source being ENFP herself who told ESFP when they were at her place, INFP heard since she's her roommate, who told INTP, who told ISTP, who told me...here is ENFP's type of guy. (ISTJ)
--Tehnically I am the source- (ISTP)
--Shut the fuck up, I wanna listen. (INTJ)
--So...do you think she likes extroverted guys? (ISTJ)
--Obviously- (INTJ)
--Wrong, she's into introverts. (ISTJ)

I could already feel the grin forming on my face.

--I don't want to be late for her, you tell me more of that later. Keep the files close. (INTJ)

Where did ENFP even want to meet?

~10 minutes later~

--How was I supposed to know that you wanted to meet IN FRONT OF THE FUCKING BANK?! (INTJ)
--Well...uhm...uh...I can be unpredictable sometimes...? (ENFP)
--Ugh, you're unbelievable, ENFP. (INTJ)

And very pretty too. Stunning. Actually gorgeous. Can't believe she stole my heart without me even knowing. She's a little thief...the most beautiful thief I could ever encounter.
--words: 1121.

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