~After a month~

I am trying to ignore that annoying green girl as much as I can. But she wouldn't seem to give up.

--Hi, friend! (ENFP)
--I told you to leave me alone. (INTJ)

She completely ignores me, asking:

--What are you writing here? (ENFP)
--Words. (INTJ)
--Come on, tell me! (ENFP)
--Fine...see what it is. (INTJ)
--You write poems?! (ENFP)
--I know, laugh at me as much as- (INTJ)
--It's so cool! About global warming? Not my favourite topic but it's amazing! Have you ever considered publishing them on the school newspaper? (ENFP)
--Absolutely not. (INTJ)
--Whyyyy? (ENFP)
--Because I don't want to. I only write them out of boredom. (INTJ)
--You have talent! (ENFP)
--I don't. (INTJ)
--Shut the fuck up, you do. (ENFP)
--I hate you. (INTJ)

That just bursted out of my mouth, even if I did not mean to.

--I don't. (ENFP)
--Why? Hate me. (INTJ)
--No. I don't want to. (ENFP)
--Why? (INTJ)
--Because I don't want to. (ENFP)
--But why? (INTJ)

Why did she choose to follow me all around and not anybody else? Why do I like it?

--But why don't you shut up? (ENFP)
--No. (INTJ)
--Fine then. I won't shut up either. (ENFP)
--Then don't. (INTJ)

In this month I got used to her voice. And I started to like it. It has got a bit of a rasp in it but it still sounds cartoon-y.

--So...are you planning on losing the bet? (ENFP)
--Never. I am not a loser like you. (INTJ)
--Anyway, wanna come to my cheerleading practice tomorrow? (ENFP)
--No. (INTJ)
--Please! ISFJ is busy, she can't. Neither can ENFJ. (ENFP)
--What about your three amazing popular friends? (INTJ)

I said amazing sarcastically.

--Well, ESFP is already in the cheerleading team and the boys...they are going to football practice... (ENFP)

ENFP said it in kind of a sad voice.

--And you're so sad that the boys cannot come to your practice? (INTJ)
--No, it's not that-...nevermind. (ENFP)

No neverminds. Why? Hah, knew I'm not good enough for a friendship.

--Anyway, so will you? (ENFP)

She asks again, in a happier voice.

--Ugh...fine. (INTJ)
--But only with a plot twist: I will bring my homework and completely ignore your practice. (INTJ)
--That's fine with me. I just like your presence. (ENFP)


--I don't like yours. (INTJ)

I tried to lie. I do like her presence. But I don't like the fact that I like her presence. Stop it. Why? Why would she choose me? My only question is why. And it feels like she isn't giving up and she actually wants to be friends with me. She is not like the others...she's different. Ugh, stop it, INTJ, don't think silly.

--And you think I give two flying fucks about that? No. You stay with me, motherfucker. (ENFP)

That actually shocked me.

--I won't, loser. (INTJ)
--I am planning to win, whether you like it or not. (ENFP)
--See? This isn't even a real friendship. You just want to win five stupid packs of Oreos. (INTJ)
--And you think I give two flying fucks about your stupid Oreos? I wanna be your friend because I wanna be your friend, not for a bet. Now shut the fuck up and lemme be your friend. Please. (ENFP)

Friendship On OreosWhere stories live. Discover now