The 8th grade came to an end. I was about to go to rapid the time passes. ENFP still hung out with me. And I've got to admit...we are best friends indeed. She is perfect...well, as a friend, let's not think other ways.

--Hi, bestie, how are yaaaaa? (ENFP)
--Oh, hi ENFP, I'm fine- (INTJ)

She was staring at me with an innocent smile as I started screaming. I pulled myself together and yelled at her:

--Easy, I tracked your phone down! (ENFP)
--You are insane! (INTJ)
--Aww, thank you! You're so sweet. Anyway, I came with a request. (ENFP)

Me...? Sweet? I've been trying my best to be bitter.

--Come on, say it. (INTJ) week I am in the mood for something. (ENFP)
--I can already tell it's going to be bad. (INTJ)
--Can you come with me to the amusement park, please? (ENFP)
--You know I hate amusement parks, ENFP. (INTJ)

Her name is satisfying to pronounce for some reason.

--Come on, it's gonna be fun, I promise! (ENFP)
--It's too much noise for me. (INTJ)
--Have you ever been out somewhere? A park? A party? Anywhere? (ENFP)
--You already know the answer, ENFP. (INTJ)
--Please, can you come with me? (ENFP)
--Ugh...fine, fine, however you say...I know I don't have another option anyway, my clingy dumbass. (INTJ)

She jumped out of joy and threw her arms around me. Ew, physical contact...but it's with her, and I somehow don't mind it.

--Please get off of me. (INTJ)
--You feel so comfortable to hug. (ENFP)

Shoot, I have to let her go. She's making me feel warm.

--Can I hug you more? (ENFP)
--No, get off. (INTJ)
--Please! (ENFP)
--Are you going to kidnap me if I refuse? (INTJ)
--Who knows? (ENFP)

Finally, she got off of me.

--Finally, thank you. (INTJ)
--I will go now, I don't wanna bother you anymore. Talk to you later! Bye! (ENFP)

I waved goodbye as I was staring at her again leaving.

~Next week~

I was dressed very unlikely to how I usually dress. T-shirts are not for me. My arms are too skinny. And I never wear t-shirts at school because those three jerks would keep calling me a skeleton. ENFP still did not stop being friends with them and hangs out with me quite privately. I understand. It's for the best. She can't become a "weirdo" like me. She has to live her life to the fullest and has no reasons to be hated or bullied. ENFP is funny, creative, pretty...wait, did I say pretty? Well, yes, she's pretty as a human, so what? Searching for her with my gaze, I was waiting next to the Ferris Wheel. Lots of people hurried to go on it and the crowd was unbearable for me. I hate crowds with all my heart.


ENFP shouts in the crowd. And there she was. So recognisable. The same messy, boy-ish, green, short wolf cut that I admire. It suits her and her personality. She came and hugged me again.

--ENFP, stop with the hugs, please! (INTJ)
--You feel comfortable to hug! Not my fault! (ENFP)
--So where do you want to go? (INTJ)

There was loud music playing. I do not like it.

--The music is so nice, I could dance my heart out. (ENFP)
--I hate how loud it is. (INTJ)
--Let's go on the Ferris Wheel! (ENFP)

I have a terrible fear of heights.

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