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~After 5 minutes~

--Does it hurt here? (nurse)
--Yea... (ENFP)

The nurse investigated my leg a little bit then said:

--Don't worry, it's nothing too severe. Don't move your leg around too much and don't do too much effort for the day, ok? (nurse)
--Awh...ok. (ENFP)

How will I run around and play all day and be silly then?

--Can we go now? (INTJ)
--Sure thing. Have a good day! (nurse)

INTJ helped me up and we went in our classroom. There was only the two of us.

--Quite empty, eh? (INTJ)
--Yeah...at least there will be a little bit of peace and quiet, I guess. (ENFP)

We went to our seats, in a quiet awkwardness.

--Did you do your- (INTJ)
--Yea. I did. (ENFP)
--How did you know- (INTJ)
--Dominant Ne. Obviously. (ENFP)
--Can you stop interrupting me? I don't like it. (INTJ)
--Oh...fine...sorry. (ENFP)

I wanted to do something but didn't know what. Then I realised I was still in the cheer uniform.


Even if not in the cheer squad anymore, she looks so attractive in this uniform.

--Ok, why are you staring at me again? (ENFP)
--Oh, didn't want to, sorry. (INTJ)

Oh I definetly did want.

--Then why are you continuing? (ENFP)
--Because I have nothing better to do. (INTJ)
--You can-...actually, you know what? Do what you want to. Go on. Stare at me. I don't mind. (ENFP)

I turn away then and play some music in my headphones. So what if he wants to stare at me?


I definetly did stare at her. And for long. There was just pure silence and my eyes on her. Even the sound of the music in her headphones were heard. Even my heart beating hard. That's how quiet it was.

--Ok, what do you want from me? (ENFP)
--I carried you all the way to the nurse's office just to get this payment? Rude. (INTJ)
--Sorry, you know I was just joking. (ENFP)

She rushed her hand to her bag.

--Oh, no, I didn't tell you to pay me money. This was just an act of kindness...which I don't do very often...but I can say that you're an exception, I guess... (INTJ)

ENFP stares at me confused while I rummaged through my Algebra books to not look like I was staring.

--I didn't know you are this sweet. (ENFP)
--Sweet? What makes you think? (INTJ)
--Well...eh, nevermind. I just know you're a cutie patootie. (ENFP)

Never in my life did I expect to like cheesy nicknames. But it's ENFP. I like everything about this girl.

--For the love of Newton, ENFP, stop calling me that! (INTJ)
--How about no? (ENFP)
--I hate you. (INTJ)
--Neither do I. (ENFP)

~Next day~

I can't even think of waking her up today. Ugh...I have to.

--Wakey-wakey, time for school. (INTJ)

Slowly like a robot, ENFP woke up.

--What class are we having today first...? (ENFP)
--Computer. (INTJ)
--I'm skipping that shit, wake me up for French. (ENFP)

Then she casually went to sleep again.

--ENFP...get up, please. (INTJ)
--One more hour... (ENFP)

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