We were all listening to ESFJ talk about some scary story. The crunches of the marshmallows, our chattering and the crinkles of the fire were heard in the nature. Mosquitos quickly made their appearance, so did the sparkly night stars.
Everyone was shaking in fear at the sound of the horror stories being told. I was one of them, too, but I couldn't help bit being overfillled with joy at the thought of being together with my friends, and being able to cling to INTJ whenever I wanted.

--And then, the girl found a message written with blood on the dorm wall! (ESFJ)

Slowly but surely, I felt shivers down my spine, and I was holding INTJ's arm tight, while he just stood there, unfazed.

--It's so scary... (ENFP)
--Eh, I've heard better. (INTJ)
--I literally won't be able to sleep alone in my room for minimum two weeks! (ENFP)


Well, well, well...it's my time to shine.

--You can sleep in my room if you'd like... (INTJ)

She blushed a bit. Won't I enjoy those two weeks...

--W-well...y-you'd do me quite a f-favor... (ENFP)

I smirked to myself, while the others were still chatting. I was still in my own world, but tried to keep in touch with reality, just to be able to feel ENFP's soothing skin fully.

--Everyone, back to your cabins! (Supervisor)

The strong voice of a woman was heard. If I was ENFP, I'd say that she's...cranky as fuck.

--Well, kids...this was the end of the night. Everyone do as told. If someone would like to remain a bit longer, do so, but be discreet and, also...that's on you. You'll still be woken up at 7AM. (Mr. Fike)


I think this was it. The party is awaiting! Everyone was getting up, and so was I about to do, but I felt my hand being grabbed and I was pulled back down.

--INTJ...? Aren't we going back inside? (ENFP)

He looked at me, then at the fire. The others were getting further away, and me and INTJ were the only one left near the fire.

--Not yet. I cannot leave you like this. (INTJ)
--Like what...? (ENFP)
--Not knowing how to roast a marshmallow, of course. (INTJ)

He finally got up and picked a stick, bringing the whole bag of marshmallows with him, too.

--You'd...you'd teach me? (ENFP)
--Wrong. I wouldn't. I will. (INTJ)

With precision, INTJ got the two pieces of marshmallow through the long, thin stick.
Curiously, I stared at INTJ and inspected every more he has done.

--Visual or practic? (INTJ)
--What? (ENFP)
--Are you more of a visual learner or a practic one? (INTJ)
--Well...I like to use a bit of everything. (ENFP)
--Fair enough. Get up. (INTJ)

I did as told, and INTJ pulled me closer. We were in front of the fire, and I could feel the warmth of it reaching my knees. INTJ handed me the skewer and touched my hand. His hand didn't feel harsh. On the contrary, his touch was soft.

--Rotate it around slowly and with precaution, just like this, just so the outer part becomes a soft, golden brown. (INTJ)

I could feel him breathing in my ear, since he was bending slightly to be at my level. His breath was hot and I felt like I was enchanted by his alluring presence. His hand slowly slid around my waist, thing which I don't think he was normally supposed to do, but fuck, sure I enjoyed it.
I did everything he commanded. Heck, even if he'd tell me to spread my legs, I'd do so.
Fortunately, I've learned pretty quickly. Minutes after, I was enjoying my creamy marshmallows, while swinging my feet. INTJ was sitting next to me, zoning out, while having his eyes straight on the fire.

Friendship On OreosTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon