~ENFP's POV, next day~

After I decently dressed up in some beige cargo pants and a strapless white top...yeah, not too decently...also some white shoes, I was ready to go for the History project. I don't dress like this too often, but I was just in the mood. Plus the fact that I have to go out to make this project. We decided to do it at the local boba place, since INFP discussed with the manager and we were allowed. Returning from the kitchen to grab a quick snack, I am welcomed by something...interesting. INTJ, leaning against the wall and staring me up and down. I, like an idiot, was kinda just awkwardly staying still, waiting for him to finish inspecting every inch of me.

--Are you...done? (ENFP)
--Where are you going dressed like that? (INTJ)

He asked me, more like beginning to interrogate me, while biting the inside of his cheek a bit.

--Uhm...somewhere on Earth...? (ENFP)
--Don't play sarcastic, where the fuck are you going? (INTJ)

Since when was it his business where I am going?

--Why do- (ENFP)
--Because I am your roommate. (INTJ)
--That is not an excu- (ENFP)
--Yes it is. (INTJ)

His voice catches a sharp tone, almost with a hint of...jealousy?

--Well...uh...uhm...g-guess! (ENFP)

I was trying to keep myself together, but his unusual behaviour had me questioning myself. At the sound of my attitude, he turned to me at started coming closer while saying:

--I am not in the mood for your mystery jokes, just tell me where the fuck you're going! (INTJ)
--To the boba store for the project! Happy?! (ENFP)


Ok...to the store...but she can get approached anytime. What if a guy goes up to her?! What if...what if she will leave me for someone else? I can't let her leave me! What do I do?


INTJ still had a frown on his face even if I truthfully told him where I am going.

--So you're going for the project. (INTJ)
--Yes! With INFP, ISFJ and ESTP! Obviously you wouldn't understand since you work alone... (ENFP)

I did not mean to make it sound bad...but I wanted to tease him a bit. It was sometimes fun to see him mad. And that quite worked. He seemed upset...then his behaviour kinda took a turn. After he took a deep breath in, he spoke:

--You're right. Since I work alone,I couldn't understand since...there is no one to help me, right? I will just stay here, alone as a helpless guy with no companion... (INTJ)

Why did he suddenly sound kinda...manipulative?

--Perhaps I could've used some help... (INTJ)

INTJ lets me go, since he was so close to me that he pinned me to the wall. And I almost felt...sorry for him. I mean...he is still human, he cannot work alone...but I can't let my friends down either.

--You are right...but I...I can't change the plans. I can't just abandon my teammates without announcing them. What if I am needed? (ENFP)

He sighs again, stepping aside.

--You are right...I guess...I will just do my own project, even if I kinda wanted your help...but INTJ doesn't need help...that's what they all say. (INTJ)

I was really sorry for him, but still he seemed like he didn't need any help, but something else...I wonder what is up with him in the last while. But a thing is a thing, and I had to get it done.

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