XLVIII (special chapter: ESFJ×ISFP)

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~Last day of the year, INTJ's POV~

Noise...ugh, so much noise. Not even on the last day of the year can I get peace. At least ENFP put on the hoodie I got her for Christmas. Everyone was getting ready for the performance. I am extremely glad no one found out I can play piano. Otherwise it would've been a burden for me. ENFP, as always, went straight for the little cakes and talking with her other little friends. Even if I wanted ENFP to stay with me, I quietly retreated on a chair. Meanwhile, ISTJ came next to me. Most probably he was bored, too. ESFP was fucking around, dressed quite funky. She had the beanie that ENTP gave her for Christmas, even if it was hardly fitting because of her dreads, and she also wore the black sneakers from INFP and the long, red skirt from ESTP. Almost everyone was dressed quite diverse.

--She is dressed so weird. (INTJ)
--Don't you dare say that. (ISTJ)

When we were about to literally slap each other, INTP came next to us. She was clinging to her creeper plush that ISTP gave her for Christmas. She never...and I mean never let it down since she got it. ISTP made sure to spray some of his perfume on it too. And INTP has surely been quite...obsessed with it.

--Stop fighting, you puréed boogers. (INTP)
--Says the one who attatched a creeper plushie to her body. (ISTJ)
--Shouldn't you be happy that your roommate did something nice for me? (INTP)
--For you? Never. (ISTJ)
--Oi cha- (INTP)
--Don't you dare. (ISTJ)
--You two are fighting like two little kids. (INTJ)
--Who even asked you? (INTP)
--I did! (ENFP)

ENFP wraps her arms around me and smiles brightly at INTP.

--Weren't you little annoying grass blade sick? (ISTJ)
--She little what? (INTJ)
--Oh, I'm feeling better now, thanks for asking! (ENFP)
--I didn't even-...you know what, I'm just going to shut up, you're weird. (ISTJ)
--Says the one who organises his laptop folders three times a day. (INTJ)
--Says the one who sleeps with socks on. (ISTJ)
--Uhm...I c-can explain- (INTJ)

Before this was going to turn bad, I tried to distract ENFP.

--Oh look, they restocked the cookies! (INTJ)

And it worked. After I was sure that ENFP left, I continued:

--Says the one who gave ISTP a belt for Christmas, saying it's that for "his bondage fantasies". (INTJ)
--What fantasies?! (INTP)
--If you didn't know, ISTP is kinky as fuck. Might help you in the future. (INTJ)
--Says the one who's as kinky as him. (ISTJ)
--Shut up. (INTJ)
--You can't deny it. I bet your walls are full of pics with ENFP. (ISTJ)
--Yuh-uh. (INTP)
--You too?! (INTJ)
--Come on, INTJ. You're clearly in love with her. (INTP)
--Ye- (ISTJ)
--No, I'm not. (INTJ)

ISTJ saw the way I was eyeing him. Only ISTJ and ISTP knew about this.

--I mean...uh...maybe they would be close friends. Let's not...uhm...judge... (ISTJ)

I could see ISTJ's struggle to lie.

--ISTJ, for a hundred bucks- (INTP)
--He is in love with her so much that he ripped his essay that he worked on for 3 hours when I threatened to tell ENFP he loves her. (ISTJ)
--Damn... (INTP)
--I will kill you when we get out of here. (INTJ)
--Oh spare me, spare me... (ISTJ)
--Why? (ENFP)

And obviously, as always, we talk about the wolf and the wolf is at our door...

--Nothing. (INTJ,ISTJ & INTP)

We said at unison, with panicked looks. This was only a secret of three.

--Y'all always say nothing! Nothing when I walk onto y'all talking, nothing when INTJ is writing something in his free time, nothing when he's texting! What do you have to hide from me, INTJ? (ENFP)

I could almost feel sweat dripping down my back.

--Well- (ISTJ)

Suddenly, the Principal cleared down her throat, being the one at the microphone. That was a sign that the show was about to begin. Again...I am saved. ENFP frowned and sat down next to ISTJ, since I was in between ISTJ and INTP. ISTP went next to INTP, and, surprised, he whispered to her:

--You still keep the plushie from me? (ISTP)
--Obviously, it's Minecraft shit. This is dope. (INTP)

ISTP smirked to himself a bit, then his eyes went back to our stupid Principal, who looked like she fell from Mars. Everyone could agree on that.


Ten minutes later, I had to walk on the stage. There were lots of people, and I loved it and the thought that I'm going to make my friends proud. I've exercised for this play a lot this winter, especially because I will work with the most talented, gorgeous ballerina I've ever seen: ISFP. Even though I've worked with them lots of times, their careful moves are a pleasure every second for my eyes. They move so gracefully and full of passion. ISFP never fails to transmit me the needed emotions when we collaborate. They're just...perfect. I've always been in love with them, no matter what.
And they enter the scene, all dressed up in a beautiful ballet costume and pointé shoes. They always memorise the moves entirely and with the best accuracy. I carefully pressed the piano keys, and a beautiful melody filled the room. While they were performing, ISFP gave me a sweet smile and I couldn't help but smile back and get redder. We each did our things and everyone was proud. At the end, we got a round of applause, and we went next to the others to rest, since it was ENFJ's turn to sing a Carol. Putting on a friendly smile, I approached ISFP and told them:

--You were...amazing! (ESFJ)

They turned their head to me in a hurry, visibly pleased by my comment.

--Oh, thanks! You played great, too! (ISFP)

They clearly wanted to continue the conversation but didn't know how to. So I suggested them something.

--Would you like to try my muffins? I made a new recipe suggested by ENFJ. (ESFJ)
--Sure thing! Could I suggest something for your next batch, too?...if you wouldn't mind, of course. (ISFP)

It would be my honor!

--Sure! Let's go, I suppose the costume isn't the most comfortable, it's the same for me. (ESFJ)
--Okay-...did you get your insulin shot before going on stage...? (ISFP)
--No... (ESFJ)

I chuckled nervously. ISFP then dragged me to the table, and seeing all of the muffins that I've prepared, their eyes lit up.
--words: 1125.

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