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My sleep is interrupted, again, by a light nearby. My phone. Who the heck is calling me at 1AM?!...911?! What in the fuck is happening? Ugh, why me? I have to pick up this damned phone? I didn't even murder someone yet.

--Hello, sir, is this INTJ we're speaking with? (?)
--Yeah...why? (INTJ)

My voice was incredibly sleepy and rasped.

--Two of your pals might...need some help. (?)
--Pals? this a prank? (INTJ)

What pals could he talk about?


The policeman starts describing us. We were at the police station. It was quiet and the officer's voice was echoing. Quite peaceful, but the handcuffs were ruining it all.

--I am afraid it is not, sir. We have caught two suspects that you might know, and one of them asked for your presence. Reason of arrest is vandalism. Suspect number one appears to have a 5ft frame, female- (policeman)
--Nonbinary. (ISFP)

ISFP cut the officer off rebelliously, looking at him with a death stare.

--...nonbinary, around 16 years old. Short, blonde, wavy hair with a small nose piercing. (policeman)


That sounded familiar to ISFP. However, I am not responsible for them. So, pretending I don't know them and completely careless about this, I reply:

--No, sir, I am afraid I do not recall knowing this person. (INTJ)
--Second suspect is 5'4, female, has freckles and is around the age of the first suspect. (policeman)


--She has medium-lenght, wavy, green hair and dark green eyes. (policeman)

Green hair...?...oh fuck no!

--Do they sound more familiar now? (policeman)

Taking a deep breath in while trying to process everything, I calmly replied:

--Could I please talk to the girl you mentioned the second time? (INTJ)
--Are you clear with the fact that you know her? (policeman)
--She's my roommate... (INTJ)


After uncuffing me, the officer gave me the phone. My hand was trembling. I know INTJ is really, really upset with me right now. I fucked up badly. Nervously chuckling, I began the little conversation:

--...hi, are yo- (ENFP)

Knew it...

--Please, let me- (ENFP)
--I'm sorry- (ENFP)
--Sorry won't cut it, ENFP! Words can't explain how damn mad I am at you! This isn't our first time! (INTJ)
--...I know...I am sorry...can you please come pick me up? I'm scared...pretty please? (ENFP)
--No, ENFP, you deserve to stay there until the fucking morning. (INTJ)

There was a long silence, followed by a sigh.

--...I'll be there in 10 minutes. (INTJ)
--Yay...thank you! (ENFP)

I knew that was going to annoy him even more, but I tried to melt him a little bit.

--Ok, ENFP, that lovely voice of yours won't work. (INTJ)
--Awh... (ENFP)

Without saying anything more, INTJ ended the call.


This is what I have to spend my saved money on...bribing ENFP out of jail. Unbelievable. What have I become...for is indeed full of challenges. Challenges that make me have to spend my money on her silly things. I can't even see straight, my room is pitch black. I feel like I'm in a void. My phone was the only light source. My lockscreen is really bright...perhaps because I have a photo of me and ENFP on it. She won't know. I turned the lights on, a cool white tone. Too bright for my eyes but at least I can grab my coat and clothes properly.

~5 minutes later, ENFP's POV~

Chilling with ISFP in a cell wasn't so bad, but the smell's not it.

--Being in prison is sick. (ISFP)
--Yeah, yeah, just because you're holding your nose. (ENFP)
--Hope your INTJ is bribing me out too. (ISFP)
--I don't think I'll get to convince him, I'm grateful he's even taking me out of here... (ENFP)
--Girl, I'm begging you to try! You know he listens to you and you only. (ISFP)
--I'll try in the morning, okay? (ENFP)
--Bruv you wanna intoxicate me or some shit? (ISFP)
--Nah, I just know INTJ is mad and I have no idea what to expect from him. (ENFP)
--But I do. (ISFP)
--Nobody knows him, ISFP. (ENFP)
--I know, but I also know your future punishment. (ISFP)

They jump on the mattress next to me.

--And what will he even do? (ENFP)
--Rail you. (ISFP)

I wish. He's too mad.

--What? I'm speaking facts. (ISFP)
--Fine,I'll ask him to take you out too, you have ballet classes tomorrow and you can't miss them. But remember you've brought me into this shit. (ENFP)
--Okay, okay, I'm sorry. (ISFP)
--It's nothing. I've been in shit before. And I've definetly upset INTJ before. He can deal with it. He'll just take my phone for a week or something. (ENFP)
--Damn, he took daddy to another level. (ISFP)
--Just like we took our prank. (ENFP)
--To be honest, we should've just legit burned down the house. (ISFP)
--Couldn't agree more. (ENFP)

When I was about to start some small talk, some quiet yet stern footsteps were heard. I could recognise those shoes anywhere. INTJ.


Never could I have believed I would see my crush in jail. It's hot. But the hundred dollars I had to give the police to take her out were not. Ugh, what this little idiot is making me do...I should punish her.

--They're right here, sir. (policeman)

I coldly stare at the cell, where ENFP was sitting shamelessly on the floor.

--Hey kiddo, your roomie came to see ya. (policeman)

She turned to us and got up. As soon as she saw me coldly glaring at her, a wave of shame washed through her expression. I'm proud of that. But not proud of her. The policeman unlocked the cell and I quickly made my way towards her.

--Hi, INTJ!...look, I'm- (ENFP)
--Shut the fuck up and don't you even dare to say a word. (INTJ)


Oh shucks, he seems really mad.

--Please, I'm so- (ENFP)
--I said shut up. (INTJ)

He angrily snatched my wrist and made his way to leave with me, just like he was taking away his naughty kindergartener with him.

--But wait- (ENFP)
--Wait what?! (INTJ)

INTJ finally snapped, looking me in the eyes.

--Wh-what about ISFP- (ENFP)
--They're not my fucking concern! Obey me and get your ass home! (INTJ)

His teeth gritted and his grasp on my wrist tightened.

--...but- (ENFP)
--Now! (INTJ)

Glancing at ISFP for a last time, I got out of the cell with INTJ and we made our way home. He did not talk the whole time.
--words: 1144.

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