Chapter 35: 18+

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Kim suddenly woke up when he heard a voice he recognized. Blinking sleepily, he felt someone gently touching his face. Opening his eyes, he saw Kenta standing there. Surprised, Kim moved back on the bed, feeling his heart pounding.

"What the hell!?" Kim shouted, sounding both surprised and confused.

"Shhhh, be quiet!" Kenta said, putting a finger on Kim's lips to hush him.

Kim pushed Kenta causing him to fall to the ground, his mind filled with doubt. Was it the alcohol messing with his head, or was Kenta actually standing there? He rubbed his eyes, hoping to clear his vision, but Kenta didn't vanish, he was still right in front of him.

"How did you get here? What are you doing here?"

"Kim, calm down. I just want to see you, alright? That's all," Kenta begged, urgency evident in his voice.

"How can I calm down when you're here? Are you planning to take me away again? Is Tony involved?" Kim's words spilled out, filled with fear and distrust.

Kim's hands clenched into fists as he got up, his feelings reaching a boiling point. He couldn't understand why Kenta would appear like this after all they've been through. But when he punch at him, Kenta didn't resist, taking the hits without fighting back.

"No, it's not like that. I came here because I wanted to," Kenta explained, his voice tinged with regret.


Kim grabbed Kenta by the collar of his black shirt.

"Why!? You said we wouldn't meet again, you promised me you wouldn't bother me anymore," Kim said, his voice shaking with feelings.

Kenta didn't say anything, he just stood there like a statue. Kim felt really upset, and tears started filling his eyes, making it hard to see. He felt like everything bad was happening all at once, feeling hurt, missing him, and feeling betrayed. He had wanted to never see Kenta again, hoping to move on and feel better.

Kenta looked at Kim with a face showing he felt bad and upset. He could tell that Kim was upset because Kenta seemed to betray Kim, even though it wasn't true. Kenta didn't try to explain because he knew he shouldn't be there, getting mixed up in Kim's life again. But he couldn't help coming back because he couldn't forget him, he really can't.

Kim couldn't stop crying, and tears ran down his face. He felt like everyone could see his pain, like all the hurt he tried to keep inside was coming out again.

Kenta saw tears welling up in Kim's eyes, and it made him really sad. He didn't waste any time. He went up to Kim and gave him a hug, silently saying sorry for going back on his word not to bother him again.

As Kim hugged Kenta tightly, tears streamed down his face, showing how much he cared, even though he tried not to. Kenta's touch made him feel better inside, like medicine for his hurt feelings.

"I miss you so much, Kim," Kenta whispered, his words a gentle reassurance.

After Kim stopped crying, Kenta let go of their hug and softly wiped his tears away, his touch making Kim feel better even though they were still upset. They hugged each other, both feeling a lot of emotions that they didn't say out loud.

They looked at each other, then Kenta kissed Kim softly. Kim was unsure at first, but then he kissed back eagerly. Their kiss showed how much they missed each other and how much they loved each other, even though they were far apart. Kim felt warm in Kenta's arms.

Kenta picked up Kim and took him to a comfy bed without saying a word. Soon, they found themselves lying on the bed. Kenta put Kim down gently, and they both felt excited and full of desire.

Pain Inside Me (Kenta × Kim)Where stories live. Discover now