Chapter 20

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Kim had been tossing and turning in bed for days, unable to sleep due to the overwhelming questions running through his mind. After stumbling upon some information, he had discovered the truth about Babe's accident. More people are involved than he expected.

Tony, Kenta, Winner, and Dean, they were all somehow involved in Babe's accident. Kim couldn't believe it. And to make matters worse, he had also witnessed the complicated relationship between Tony and Kenta. It was a mess, and now Kim found himself in the middle of it all.

He couldn't just sit idly by knowing the truth. But at the same time, he was scared. Scared of the possible consequences if he were to speak up. He didn't know what to do.

Kim reached for his phone, his fingers hovering over Babe's number. But he couldn't bring himself to dial it. He knew Babe would want to know the truth, but he also didn't want to cause any more trouble.

Instead, he got out of bed and sat up, running a hand through his messy hair. He needed to talk to Tony. He was the only one who could answer all his questions and maybe shed some light on the situation. But he also knew that talking to Tony would come with its own set of risks.

With a deep sigh, Kim decided to take the risk. He knew he had to confront Tony about what he had discovered.

He couldn't just let this go, he needed answers. He grabbed his phone and dialed Tony's number. It rang a few times before Tony finally answered.

"Mr. Tony, can we talk?" Kim asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"I'm busy, Kim. I don't think-" before Tony could even finish his sentence. Kim abruptly interrupted.

"It's about Babe's accident," he said, his voice trembling with emotion.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line before Tony finally spoke.

"I already told you, I don't care about that. It's not my problem."

But Kim couldn't let it go that easily. He had to make Tony understand the gravity of the situation.

"Aren't you curious why I visit you in your office the last time?"

There is no reply in Tony so Kim continued.

"I already know who was the person who sabotaged Babe's car and I have the evidence in my hands."

There was a long pause on the other end of the line. Kim could almost hear Tony's mind racing as he processed the information.

"Really? Then who is it?" Tony finally asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Kim took a deep breath before replying, "Now you're curious, let's talk in person then I will tell you everything I know."

There was another long pause on the other line and Kim could sense Tony's hesitation. He knew that he couldn't waste any time in taking action.

"Alright, let's meet in my office tomorrow" Tony finally replied and the call ended.

The call had been ended and Kim was determined to confront Tony and demand an explanation for his actions.

The next day, gripping his flash drive and key tightly in his hand, Kim stormed into Tony's office building. As he made his way to the front desk, his mind was racing with all the things he wanted to say to Tony.

"Hi, I have an appointment with Mr. Tony," Kim said to the receptionist.

The receptionist checked the computer and nodded, handing him an ID access card to enter the building. As Kim made his way through the security check. He had been granted access to Tony's office, he was one step closer to getting the answers he deserved.

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