Chapter 30

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After several days, Tony was in his study, carefully cleaning his sword. Kenta stood quietly by the door, watching Tony.

Then, the door creaked open, and Jeff walked in, surprising Tony with his unexpected visit.

"Sir," Jeff spoke, breaking the silence and causing Tony to look up from what he was doing, holding his sword tightly.

"What's wrong, Jeff?" Tony asked.

"You come back here," Tony's expression changed, showing both surprise and warmth as he welcomed Jeff.

"Is there something very important?" Tony asked quickly as he looked at Jeff, searching for answers in his expression.

"I don't want Daddy to hurt anyone again," Jeff begged Tony asking for empathy.

"I want this to end once and for all," Jeff said firmly, sounding sure of himself and determined.

Tony firmly held his sword, showing his strong determination as he walked towards to Jeff.

"I've never hurt anyone," Tony protested.

"Well, your brothers..." Tony paused.

"Don't want to come home nicely," Tony expressed sadness in his voice and his words showed his father's disappointment.

"I have taken care of them very well,"
Tony reflected.

"But as everyone grew up, they became strong enough. No one cares about this father at all," Tony let out a sad sigh, his voice sounding bitter as he expressed how lonely he felt.

"I was just doing my duty as a father, bringing my son home," Tony described.

Jeff couldn't believe how fake Tony was, pretending to care about them.

Even though Jeff was scared, he decided to act confidently, not showing any fear to Tony.

Jeff was sure that Tony wouldn't hurt him because he believed in his own ability to foresee the future.

"Is that all?" Jeff spoke confidently, his voice strong and steady.

"And Kim who was imprisoned and others, How do you explain?" Jeff asked.

Tony smirked, his expression mocking.

"Even though I like to please you when you were little, that doesn't mean you can ask for everything from me." Tony retorted.

Jeff's resolve remained steadfast. "What if I had a plan to bring Charlie back to this house?" he challenged.

Tony's curiosity piqued. "What will you do?". he inquired.

Jeff's voice was resolute. "I'm going to cause Charlie's race car to have an accident on the field" he declared.

"Charlie will get hurt until he was unable to race the remaining programs"

"It's the only way Daddy can bring him back to this house" Jeff persisted.

"So how can I be sure that it really will be like that?" Tony hesitated.

"Or will you let the plans you've made for a long time go to waste" Jeff said

"Just believe me" Jeff countered.

"Try it once you won't lose anything"

Tony carefully listened to every word Jeff said, his eyebrows furrowing as he realized who the main competitor would be in the upcoming competition.

"Wait, did I hear correctly? Charlie will represent the X Hunter Team?" Tony inquired, seeking confirmation.

"Yes, because Babe got hurt and couldn't participate for a while, Charlie took over and joined the competition"

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