Chapter 31

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Kenta walked up to Dean carefully, knowing he had to be careful. Dean was part of the X Hunter team but also spying for them. Convincing him to mess up Charlie's race car was going to be tough.

Kenta leaned against the kitchen counter, his expression serious as he watched Dean scrubbing the dishes. Dean paused, his hands still in the soapy water.

"What kind of person do you see me?" Dean sounded calm, but there was a hint of doubt in his voice as he washed dishes at his part-time job.

Dean had to juggle being a racer and working for money, showing how tough it was to make ends meet without just relying on racing.

"Just by cutting the brake fluid line, he probably wouldn't die," Kenta explained, feeling like Dean wasn't really listening as he kept scrubbing dishes, pretending not to notice Kenta.

"You should be well aware of how much better of a racer than Charlie," Kenta continued, trying to convince Dean with a mix of pleading and annoyance, wishing Dean would understand and agree with him.

Dean stopped what he was doing and looked at Kenta, but stayed quiet, lost in his own thoughts.

"If you think what you are going through is fair, I probably won't be able to help," Kenta sighed, sounding disappointed, realizing that Dean's hesitation might ruin their chance for justice.

"Are you courageous enough to bring justice to yourself?" Kenta asked, his words pushing Dean to think about what would happen if he didn't act.

Dean hesitated visibly, thinking about what Kenta had suggested. He seemed nervous, his throat tightening as he swallowed hard.

"If I succeed, you must let me race in the Red Racing team," Dean finally declared, a glimmer of determination in his eyes.

Kenta grinned because he didn't expect Dean to be so determined, and he agreed with him by nodding.

"Remember what we did to Babe's car before? Don't act like it's something new," Kenta joked, making Dean feel guilty as he remembered what they did as Kenta tapped Dean's shoulder.

Dean looked away, feeling guilty about his past choices, and couldn't look Kenta in the eye.

After convincing Dean, Kenta walked into a dark room, carrying a tray of soup and medicine.

As he got closer, he said gently, "Kim."

Kim opened his eyes, looking annoyed as he glanced at Kenta.

"Why do you keep visiting me?" Kim's annoyance evident on his face.

Sighing, Kenta placed the items beside Kim.

"Kim, can I ask a favor?" he earnestly requested.

"What the hell?" Kim couldn't believe Kenta's sudden kindness after everything that had happened.

Kenta's hand on Kim's shoulder, he leaned in close.

"Let me just enjoy this moment with you," he said, locking eyes with Kim.

"What?" Confusion filled Kim's voice.

"Tomorrow..." Kenta paused for a moment as if he can't finished his sentence.

"Tomorrow? What?" Kim asked again.

Kenta paused, then stepped back, leaning against the wall.

"Tomorrow, you will be free," he announced.

Kim felt completely shocked by the sudden news he heard.

He couldn't believe it as if Tony had eaten something that miraculously made him want to be forgiven and act like nothing had happened.

Pain Inside Me (Kenta × Kim)Where stories live. Discover now