Chapter 33

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On the next day, when Charlie's accident happened, Kenta hurried to the hospital where Charlie was admitted, following the instructions Jeff had texted him.

He knew that by bringing Charlie to Tony, everything would finally come to an end.

Tony wouldn't bother his brothers, and they'd be safe from more problems. Plus, Kenta wouldn't see them or Kim again.

With determination, Kenta walked quickly through the hospital halls, focused on finishing his task and ending the chaos.

Kenta stood at the corner of the hospital, witnessing Babe's desperate pleas to the doctors, insisting that Charlie was still alive.

Babe cried so much until he collapsed, unable to accept what had happened.

The X Hunter Team, somber from Charlie's loss, rushed to Babe's side upon seeing him faint, immediately calling for a doctor to attend to him.

"Doctor, please help me, doctor," Sonic urged anxiously.

"Babe!" North yelled, his voice heavy with concern.

"Doctor!" Sonic shouted once more, sounding really desperate.

"Doctor, Dean, go get the doctor!" Alan hurriedly told Dean to get the doctor, showing how serious the situation was.

Kenta was surprised by unexpected news. He quickly left the hospital and rushed to Tony's office to inform him that Charlie had passed away.

"Sir, I... I have to tell you something," Kenta hesitates, struggling to pull himself together.

"What is it? Did you bring Charlie?" Tony insists, sounding urgent and sharp.

"I... I... Charlie.." Kenta struggles to find the right words.

"But what? Spit it out, damn it!" Tony's patience wears thin.

"He's... he's gone, Dad. Charlie... he didn't make it," Kenta finally manages to say, his voice filled with sorrow.

Tony's eyes widen in shock, then narrow into fury. "Gone? What do you mean, gone?"

"He's dead. Charlie is dead," Kenta replies, his voice barely above a whisper.

Tony gets really mad and starts hitting Kenta really hard many times, leaving him with bruises and cuts, and blood coming out on his mouth.

"I asked you to bring him here, not to kill him!" Tony shouts loudly, clearly showing his anger.

"But that accident shouldn't have killed Charlie" Kenta protests, wincing in pain.

"I checked everything very well" Kenta stands firm, clearly confused.

Kenta insisted that their plan was well-made and there were no issues with the race car Charlie would drive. It might cause Charlie some injuries, but it wouldn't kill him.

"There must definitely be something wrong" Kenta concluded, his thoughts spinning with options.

Tony clenched his fists as he confronted Kenta, his eyes blazing with anger.

"You said that people with special senses like Charlie recover quickly?" Tony's voice was sharp with accusation.

"So why did he die?" Tony demanded, frustration evident in his tone.

"Answer me now, Kenta!" Tony's voice grew louder, his patience wearing thin.

"How many more mistakes will you make?" Tony's words cut through the tense air like a knife.

"When Babe had sense, you couldn't bring him," Tony pointed a finger at Kenta, blaming him for something.

"When sense went to be with Charlie, you made him die again," Tony's accusation hung heavily in the air.

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