Chapter 21

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After leaving Tony's office, Kim had immediately called Babe, desperate to share his findings with someone he could trust.

Babe arrived at the hotel where they had agreed to meet, and Kim immediately spilled everything he knew.

Sitting at the bar, Kim ordered another drink for Babe. Babe sat beside him.

"Why did you call me and ask to meet up?" Babe finally asked, breaking the silence.

"Look at this," Kim said, showing Babe something on his phone. It was a recorded voice of him and Tony in a heated argument, just three hours ago.

"The person who caused your accident on the race track," Kim said, his voice filled with anger and disgust.

"You're right about everything, Tony is not just a businessman, he's a monster," Kim exclaimed, his voice trembling with emotion.

"I trusted him, but he played me like a puppet. And now, he's going to cut you out of the will."

Babe stayed quiet, but his silence said a lot. He thought Tony was behind it all, but couldn't believe Tony would go that far. It showed Tony was really desperate to get to him.

"You're so involved in my affairs," Babe finally said by looking Kim in serious expression.

"It seems like you would make a huge profit for him," Kim exclaimed, connecting the dots.

"What did you know?" Babe asked, realizing that Kim had a lot of information about his and Tony's relationship.

[3 hours ago]

While Tony was at a client meeting, Kim saw an opportunity to satisfy his curiosity. Unable to resist, he glanced at Tony's office, spotting pictures of Babe, Kenta, and other Alpha children. Kim, feeling uneasy, chose to investigate more.

He cautiously opened cabinets, scanned through papers, and gathered pictures that seemed to be potential evidence. To his surprise, Tony's laptop screen was open.

Seizing the opportunity, Kim tapped into a folder, unveiling a list of children associated with Chen's funds. Each child had a price tag, and Babe was the highest-priced among them.

Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, Kim quietly took a picture of the damning proof. It occurred to him that these were the kids Tony was implicated in human trafficking.

He knew he had to show this to Babe and the others, but he also had to be careful. He couldn't let Tony know that he had seen these documents.

After the argument with Tony, Kim found himself in his car in the parking lot. He quickly opened his phone and began scanning and reading all the documents that he had taken pictures of inside Tony's office.

As he went through the documents, his eyes widened when he came across a lot of pictures of children with descriptions and prices attached to them. Names like Lee, Pop, and Topten stood out, each with their own unique abilities and skills.

As he continued scrolling through the documents, he stumbled upon a top-secret file that he had taken a picture of when he was at Tony's laptop. He read the description and was shocked to discover that these children possessed special abilities.

Kim whispered to himself in disbelief.

"Special abilities?" He couldn't believe that such powers even existed.

To his further surprise, Kim realized that all the children he was seeing on his phone were familiar to him in some way. It was as if he had crossed paths with them before.

He noticed one person in particular, Pete, a dominant enigma who stands out for his special skills, a power to sense the thoughts of others.

"He's the President of the Beyond Group that supported X Hunter, right?" Kim asked himself.

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